~*my fairy tale*~

Saturday, November 04, 2006

sleepless fri nite/sat morning...

Finally concluded a long impossible week. Many things happened this week, most I rather not talk about and hope to forget. It certainly felt like the longest week ever in my life. Now that I'm so looking forward to hiding in my bed, so that I can keep away from the rest of the world, I end up with eyes wide opened, feeling crankier than ever.

Seriously, I need to sleep so I can wake up earlier 2moro to go for a much needed jog. I need to get the bad energy out of my systems and get some fresh air back into my brain so I can think straight. Hopefully meeting LF & JT for lunch n K for dinner later on will do me some gd. Retail therapy sounds mightly appealing too.

Going for a JC sch mate's wedding on Sunday. Call me silly, but fingers x that an auspicious occasion such as this will bring some positive energy back into my life. I definitely could do with some luck b4 moving into next week.

Leaving for China on Friday morning for a 10 day junket/working trip. Haven't gone to the embassy to do my visa (was supposed to do it today but I had to go into office early to work on my motoring page cuz the material only came in late last nite...) and have to stock up on biz features b4 i leave. The thought of being stuck on a cruise ship for 4 days is beginning to scare me. Brings back bad memories of being stuck on a semi-cruise ship at Crete last April. Anyone who would like to loan me a gd book to while away time? For sanity sake, I don't wanna end up reading another Game theory book again.

K, i'm gonna give my pillow another go. Hopefully this time it won't choose to fail me yet again.

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