~*my fairy tale*~

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Death by Cough

I'm dying.....
Cause of death: Cough
Been coughing like crazy for about 2 weeks... no matter how much I sleep n despite finishing all my medication i'm still coughing...seen the doctor again today... totally bizarre... he told me to change strategy, instead of sleeping i shud go talk a walk at east coast park to get air into my lungs..... hmmm.....not with the haze?!?

Thanks to all who left msgs for me, how thoughtful :) Appreciate it very much.

I'm trying very hard to get well... got tons of work 2 finish n can't work properly cuz I can't talk for long without my throat starting to itch again....Maybe it's the same theory as trying too hard.... perhaps i shudn't try....


Anonymous said...

you can try 看中医,虽然中药会难喝一点,但良药苦口,多喝几次就习惯了。

Anonymous said...

take care, cough probably due to the haze. u have asthma before? sometimes asthma presents just as a cough

Anonymous said...

i could understand how u feel. of the minor illnesses, i hate coughing the most, coz it depends on the type of medication u r prescribed with, that's y it's not easily cured. heard there r two main types of cough, one to dissolve yr phlegm, the other to help u spit it out. TCM classifies cough as heaty and cold coughs. when i have cough, it'll take weeks to go away, and that is after trying out various types of cough drops. it's really a trial and error game...gd luck to u & take care!