Here's wishing everybody a blessed and wonderful 2007!
I'm off to Bangkok in 5 hours... b back on the 4th...till den :)
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
in love again...

Roberto Cavalli velvet brocade mary janes
n this other green/gold brocade pair at Nine West which is on sale...
Someone please stop me...
Monday, December 25, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
What type of cake are you?
Was musing to a friend how I wished life was a piece of cake.
In return, I was asked if my life was a piece of cake, what would it be? Cheesecake, Black forest? And whether I would want to have my cake and eat it too?
Hmm...tough one.
Cheesecake: My life is pretty rich I must say as I experience and learn quite a bit of new things on a daily, if not, weekly basis with my kind of job. However, as time goes by, it can be pretty mundane n predictable.
Blackforest: I admit I have a split personality. Can't decide whether I'll like to be pleasing like the chocolate sponge cake, or smooth like the creamy bits or to be naughty, spicy & exotic like the cherries that gives the taste buds a different kick. Perhaps that is why my colleagues say that I'm an oxymoron....claiming that i'm sane when i'm actually half mad.
Tiramisu: I love alcohol and I need caffine (from tea though) to keep me going in the day...It also happens to be my favourite dessert (remembered someone telling me that it's not considered a cake) There's more than what meets the eye :) You have to know me well to find out how strong the rum is(Courtesy of AT).
Durian cake: Either you like me or you don't. I'm an acquired taste. (Courtesy of AT)
As for wanting to have my cake and eat it too, I must say I'm guilty of it sometimes. I thrive under pressure. Only when I'm overwhelmed with stuff will I be more motivated to complete my tasks on hand.
Besides, Comedian George Carlin once critiqued this idiom by saying, "When people say, 'Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too.' What good is a cake you can't eat? What should I eat, someone else's cake instead?"
What type of cake are you?
In return, I was asked if my life was a piece of cake, what would it be? Cheesecake, Black forest? And whether I would want to have my cake and eat it too?
Hmm...tough one.
Cheesecake: My life is pretty rich I must say as I experience and learn quite a bit of new things on a daily, if not, weekly basis with my kind of job. However, as time goes by, it can be pretty mundane n predictable.
Blackforest: I admit I have a split personality. Can't decide whether I'll like to be pleasing like the chocolate sponge cake, or smooth like the creamy bits or to be naughty, spicy & exotic like the cherries that gives the taste buds a different kick. Perhaps that is why my colleagues say that I'm an oxymoron....claiming that i'm sane when i'm actually half mad.
Tiramisu: I love alcohol and I need caffine (from tea though) to keep me going in the day...It also happens to be my favourite dessert (remembered someone telling me that it's not considered a cake) There's more than what meets the eye :) You have to know me well to find out how strong the rum is(Courtesy of AT).
Durian cake: Either you like me or you don't. I'm an acquired taste. (Courtesy of AT)
As for wanting to have my cake and eat it too, I must say I'm guilty of it sometimes. I thrive under pressure. Only when I'm overwhelmed with stuff will I be more motivated to complete my tasks on hand.
Besides, Comedian George Carlin once critiqued this idiom by saying, "When people say, 'Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too.' What good is a cake you can't eat? What should I eat, someone else's cake instead?"
What type of cake are you?
Fun conversation I had with my lesbo partner Boo...miss living with u gal...(we used to icq each even though we were 2m apart...)
yun says:
all i want for xmas is prince charming
Twinkle says:
Twinkle says:
i buy barbie's ken for you..
Twinkle says:
Twinkle says:
prince charming...
Twinkle says:
yun says:
ya rite...
yun says:
mite as well say buy frog for me
yun says:
kiss already become prince
Twinkle says:
Twinkle says:
also can..
Twinkle says:
but it might be a bit messy for you only..
yun says:
all i want for xmas is prince charming
Twinkle says:
Twinkle says:
i buy barbie's ken for you..
Twinkle says:
Twinkle says:
prince charming...
Twinkle says:
yun says:
ya rite...
yun says:
mite as well say buy frog for me
yun says:
kiss already become prince
Twinkle says:
Twinkle says:
also can..
Twinkle says:
but it might be a bit messy for you only..
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Happiness is...
- Sipping hot chocolate / gingerbread latte on a rainy day, looking at the crowds shuffle by you.
Perfection would be sitting next to a fire place with some friends or just by myself reading a gd book...If only I was in London... Happiness is otherwise known here as that warm fuzzy feeling.
- Fettucine & Tiramisu @ Menotti's. Ever since I stepped foot in Menotti's 3 months ago, I constantly have cravings for their creamy Fettucine & the ever so delightful tiramisu. Simply yummilicious. Love sitting next to the window n people watch. This place also holds the best memory I have of 2006...... It was gd while it lasted.
- Chilling with friends @ Oosh or Altivo. 2 very different places but both give the feeling of tranquility. Situated in the heart of the city yet away from the hustle n bustle of urban life. Try hideouts like these if you feel like you need to catch your breath and leaving the country to a resort is not a viable option.
- Afternoon English Tea @ English Rose Cafe. Warm scones with butter, jam & cream and a pot of Earl Gray...brings back memories of London which are always memories of happy times for me. Hmm...come to think of it, I didn't have scones very often, scones were for breakfast while marmite n cheese on toast with Earl Gray were my staple afternoon tea after school. Idyllic Times.
- Shopping for the entire day. Retail therapy is the miracle cure to depression, stress n all forms of illness. Shopping and Relationships work the same way in my dictionary. Unique items and great buys appear when you aren't looking. Same for love. Love comes knocking when you least expect it. Happiness is when fate brings magic and pleasant surprises into one's life.
- Driving around aimlessly. I don't own a car yet but I hope to buy one soon. Driving gives me a sense of freedom and independence. Freedom I've been yearning for ever since returning from London. It gives me time of solitude for reflection and enables me to go to places further away to experience new things. Independence simply cuz I'm in control.
Perfection would be sitting next to a fire place with some friends or just by myself reading a gd book...If only I was in London... Happiness is otherwise known here as that warm fuzzy feeling.
- Fettucine & Tiramisu @ Menotti's. Ever since I stepped foot in Menotti's 3 months ago, I constantly have cravings for their creamy Fettucine & the ever so delightful tiramisu. Simply yummilicious. Love sitting next to the window n people watch. This place also holds the best memory I have of 2006...... It was gd while it lasted.
- Chilling with friends @ Oosh or Altivo. 2 very different places but both give the feeling of tranquility. Situated in the heart of the city yet away from the hustle n bustle of urban life. Try hideouts like these if you feel like you need to catch your breath and leaving the country to a resort is not a viable option.
- Afternoon English Tea @ English Rose Cafe. Warm scones with butter, jam & cream and a pot of Earl Gray...brings back memories of London which are always memories of happy times for me. Hmm...come to think of it, I didn't have scones very often, scones were for breakfast while marmite n cheese on toast with Earl Gray were my staple afternoon tea after school. Idyllic Times.
- Shopping for the entire day. Retail therapy is the miracle cure to depression, stress n all forms of illness. Shopping and Relationships work the same way in my dictionary. Unique items and great buys appear when you aren't looking. Same for love. Love comes knocking when you least expect it. Happiness is when fate brings magic and pleasant surprises into one's life.
- Driving around aimlessly. I don't own a car yet but I hope to buy one soon. Driving gives me a sense of freedom and independence. Freedom I've been yearning for ever since returning from London. It gives me time of solitude for reflection and enables me to go to places further away to experience new things. Independence simply cuz I'm in control.
Friday, December 15, 2006
这名朋友是香港名模,丈夫来自香港豪门,婚礼被誉为香港世纪婚礼,简直就是现代Cinderella story。
在LSE念硕士的时候,我们四女一男属于同一个study group。我们开始并不知道她的身份,只觉得她好漂亮。后来从其他同学知道后,也没有向她证实,觉得没有必要。
她虽然是明星级人物,穿戴名牌上学,有个有钱有势的男友,但一点架子都没有,也没有要求我们给予她什么特别待遇。Study notes做得好完整。还记得考试前,我曾经到她家与她温习statistics。当时她的妈妈专程从香港飞到伦敦来照顾她,煮了好多好好吃的东西给我们,现在记起来都会流口水。
这名朋友是香港名模,丈夫来自香港豪门,婚礼被誉为香港世纪婚礼,简直就是现代Cinderella story。
在LSE念硕士的时候,我们四女一男属于同一个study group。我们开始并不知道她的身份,只觉得她好漂亮。后来从其他同学知道后,也没有向她证实,觉得没有必要。
她虽然是明星级人物,穿戴名牌上学,有个有钱有势的男友,但一点架子都没有,也没有要求我们给予她什么特别待遇。Study notes做得好完整。还记得考试前,我曾经到她家与她温习statistics。当时她的妈妈专程从香港飞到伦敦来照顾她,煮了好多好好吃的东西给我们,现在记起来都会流口水。
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I want a teddy bear...
Been wanting a big, brown, soft teddy bear for the last couple of weeks...actually anything I can hug when I feel lonely and a punching bag when I feel frustrated...
This is something I'm sure my mum will never approve of considering I've got so many stuff toys lying around at home already...guess it's Christmas n i've been seeing lots of cuddly bears everywhere I go :(
This is something I'm sure my mum will never approve of considering I've got so many stuff toys lying around at home already...guess it's Christmas n i've been seeing lots of cuddly bears everywhere I go :(
Monday, December 11, 2006
1. 千万不要为了所谓的浪漫,去光顾西餐店(包括咖啡屋等等),他们早就准备好了磨得噌亮的大刀,等待能够痛宰你一刀!要想享受烛光晚餐的惬意,可以买原材料在家里做嘛,要是非要有摇曳多姿的烛光,也可以去买一个漂亮的烛台啊,不但经济实惠,还可以一直用到老,也算是给家里增添固定资产啊!
2. 千万不要去商场,在商家精心策划和准备下,很少能够有人可以抵挡琳琅满目的商品诱惑,人多地少,空气自然不会好,且不说把时间耗费在漫长的交款队伍中是多么无聊,就单凭在商场人流中挑选自己心仪的东西的艰难险阻,就可以领略到沙丁鱼般的拥挤!
3. 千万不要去超市,别以为过节折扣多,商家的手段是层出不穷的,总有办法诱导你去选择一些根本不需要的东西,自己还觉得占了很大的便宜.其实羊毛出在羊身上,俗话说得好,买的不如卖的精,对于天生对购物就有特殊感情的女性来说,直接不去考验自己的意志是省钱的不二法门!
4. 千万不要去娱乐场所,他们也早就为您准备了足够多的诱惑和新奇,如果您就是想好好玩,不计较成本,那么此条及以上数条对您都不实用,要是您认为不该花的不能花,那您还可以继续往下看!
5. 千万不要去看电影,什么迎节、无极之类的大片,商业炒做的痕迹太重,看了也许会失望,再说在假日去看大片,至少又得让口袋破一个大洞? 还是省下来好,在温馨浪漫的圣诞节咱不受这个刺激,关键是为了省钱嘛!
1. 千万不要为了所谓的浪漫,去光顾西餐店(包括咖啡屋等等),他们早就准备好了磨得噌亮的大刀,等待能够痛宰你一刀!要想享受烛光晚餐的惬意,可以买原材料在家里做嘛,要是非要有摇曳多姿的烛光,也可以去买一个漂亮的烛台啊,不但经济实惠,还可以一直用到老,也算是给家里增添固定资产啊!
2. 千万不要去商场,在商家精心策划和准备下,很少能够有人可以抵挡琳琅满目的商品诱惑,人多地少,空气自然不会好,且不说把时间耗费在漫长的交款队伍中是多么无聊,就单凭在商场人流中挑选自己心仪的东西的艰难险阻,就可以领略到沙丁鱼般的拥挤!
3. 千万不要去超市,别以为过节折扣多,商家的手段是层出不穷的,总有办法诱导你去选择一些根本不需要的东西,自己还觉得占了很大的便宜.其实羊毛出在羊身上,俗话说得好,买的不如卖的精,对于天生对购物就有特殊感情的女性来说,直接不去考验自己的意志是省钱的不二法门!
4. 千万不要去娱乐场所,他们也早就为您准备了足够多的诱惑和新奇,如果您就是想好好玩,不计较成本,那么此条及以上数条对您都不实用,要是您认为不该花的不能花,那您还可以继续往下看!
5. 千万不要去看电影,什么迎节、无极之类的大片,商业炒做的痕迹太重,看了也许会失望,再说在假日去看大片,至少又得让口袋破一个大洞? 还是省下来好,在温馨浪漫的圣诞节咱不受这个刺激,关键是为了省钱嘛!
Bags & Shoes
Fellow online serial shopper GH asked me today how many bags & shoes I owned. Hmm... tricky...
Put it this way, I'm a self-confessed shoe addict and bag whore. Call me shallow and materialistic, but one of my aims in life is to overtake Imelda Marcos and I see branded bags as a form of investment, the way some people view red wine as alternative investment.
My personal record: 4 pairs of shoes in 2+ hours (okie.. they were 5-10 GBP each so i'm not that bad really...). Highest expenditure on a bag: 600 GBP on my pink Chanel Reporter Cambon.
It seems that I'm not alone in my quest. A recent survey by UK research firm Mintel found that one in 10 UK women - 2.6 million women aged 16 and up - are aspiring Carrie Bradshaws. They currently own at least 30 pairs of shoes - one for every day of the month. Me...hmm...haven't taken stock of the no. of shoes I have in Singapore, but in London, I definitely can walk out of my room in a different shoe for a month if I wanted to.
GH says i outta get a job like Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada...totally agree... but having said that I'll rather be the legendary fashion editrix Miranda Priestly...minus the catyness of course!
Either that or I'll need to find myself a rich husband and lead a tai tai life...easier said then done though...think it's probably easier to work my way up n become Miranda...
Pointless and irrelevant post... Probably cuz of the spillover effect from the people I followed at Paragon today... keep a look out for My Paper either on Wed or Thurs if u wanna know what I did.... hee hee...
Put it this way, I'm a self-confessed shoe addict and bag whore. Call me shallow and materialistic, but one of my aims in life is to overtake Imelda Marcos and I see branded bags as a form of investment, the way some people view red wine as alternative investment.
My personal record: 4 pairs of shoes in 2+ hours (okie.. they were 5-10 GBP each so i'm not that bad really...). Highest expenditure on a bag: 600 GBP on my pink Chanel Reporter Cambon.
It seems that I'm not alone in my quest. A recent survey by UK research firm Mintel found that one in 10 UK women - 2.6 million women aged 16 and up - are aspiring Carrie Bradshaws. They currently own at least 30 pairs of shoes - one for every day of the month. Me...hmm...haven't taken stock of the no. of shoes I have in Singapore, but in London, I definitely can walk out of my room in a different shoe for a month if I wanted to.
GH says i outta get a job like Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada...totally agree... but having said that I'll rather be the legendary fashion editrix Miranda Priestly...minus the catyness of course!
Either that or I'll need to find myself a rich husband and lead a tai tai life...easier said then done though...think it's probably easier to work my way up n become Miranda...
Pointless and irrelevant post... Probably cuz of the spillover effect from the people I followed at Paragon today... keep a look out for My Paper either on Wed or Thurs if u wanna know what I did.... hee hee...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Gals have it better?
A friend, YC, wrote this in one of our mass emails:
"it's perfectly okay for girls to make male-bashing remarks (in fact one can even get applauded for that) while guys doing the reverse would be labelled misogynists and bigots. kinda to make up for centuries of oppression I guess. boy, it's so hard to be male these days. must be breadwinner, treat women with respect and equality, go army, carry heavy stuff....."
Do gals necessary have it better? I beg to differ.
Remember colleague YN saying a couple of days ago that guys can never quite understand the pain & suffering gals go thru during that time of the month, child bearing & child birth. In return for a painless, less disruptive life, think it's only fair that gals be forgiven for our PMS, mood swings n wat not, not forgetting having the privilege to have a dig at our "better half" would be so boring if everything went the macho way won't it? :p
PYC: there u go... no need to be jealous of Xi anymore... u got ur much "awaited" mention on my blog :) hee hee...
"it's perfectly okay for girls to make male-bashing remarks (in fact one can even get applauded for that) while guys doing the reverse would be labelled misogynists and bigots. kinda to make up for centuries of oppression I guess. boy, it's so hard to be male these days. must be breadwinner, treat women with respect and equality, go army, carry heavy stuff....."
Do gals necessary have it better? I beg to differ.
Remember colleague YN saying a couple of days ago that guys can never quite understand the pain & suffering gals go thru during that time of the month, child bearing & child birth. In return for a painless, less disruptive life, think it's only fair that gals be forgiven for our PMS, mood swings n wat not, not forgetting having the privilege to have a dig at our "better half" would be so boring if everything went the macho way won't it? :p
PYC: there u go... no need to be jealous of Xi anymore... u got ur much "awaited" mention on my blog :) hee hee...
Monday, December 04, 2006
I miss London...
Boo hoo... my lucky neighbour @ work, Mervin is heading to London on Wed... boy I miss the city esp during this time of the year when it's cold n chilly n gets dark at 3pm... yeah i know i'm mad...
Merv has only 3 days there and asked what's the single thing that he must do there... well no prizes for wat i said... shopping of cuz...there's nothing like dashing from shop to shop starting from Oxford Street all the way to the end of Bond street n not forgetting Regent Street along the way. If I have time, I'll head down to Covent Garden too from Regent Street...that's my usual shopping route n exercise routine :p Oh, if u need food, stop by Chinatown...I miss the fusion style chinese food (Chinese Experience) n the dim sum (Royal Dragon, Golden Dragon) there...
More on the topic of shopping, there's a daily battle going on in my mind whether to go to the library or go shopping after sch... I'm such a disaster ehz...I love shopping on my own so I can take in the sights properly n try out every shoe in all the wonderful shoe shops there... somehow i can never bring myself to buy any shoes in singapore...while i can buy 4 pairs at a go in London (they were 5 quid each btw... i'm a shopaholic but i know my limits...) I miss Kurt Geiger, Faith & Shelly's...miss Selfridges & Harrods during sales... if u're patient enough to dig thru the piles n look thru every asle, u're bound to find some gd bargains there...
The supermarkets are a must go too... miss the rows n rows of ready made food, esp the ones at Marks & Spencers... miss the large variety of cereals, chocolates, tidbits, fruit juices, alcohol n toiletries @ Tesco & Sainsbury... i esp miss grocery shopping at 2am in the morning.... i can stay for 2 hours at a go... there's just so much to see n to agonise over too with my limited budget... Oh oh... not forgetting the lovely markets like Borough Market, Spitalfields Market, Camden Town, Nottinghill Gate... there's so much going on...craving for fresh oysters, lovely brownies, flans & pastries, pizzas & baguettes n freshly brewed coffee along with quirky items to look see...I miss kebabs too... i know i'm weird...
Merv also asked how he could get to his hotel n whether he should take the cab or Heathrow Express... even after the bombings n all I would say that I miss taking the tube n esp the london buses...wouldn't even bother about his 2 observing ppl on the tube n looking out of the windows of the buses...every street every turn, it's so different. There'll always be something that will catch ur eye. Every time u pass by a place, there's always something new u'll pick out.
He said that his travel companion is concerned about needing to walk for long distances... all i can say is, walking in London is a pleasure... walk ard, take in the sights &'s refreshing...I used to walk for everywhere in London, for miles on my shopping escapades especially, all the way from Russell Square to the end of Bond street n den back...kills my legs totally but definitely worth it...even better if u have a cup of mocha from Cafe Nero in ur hands or gingerbread latte from Starbucks...sip slowly, walk at ur own pace n smell the hustle n bustle...If it's sunny, remember to look up n enjoy the clear blue skies...u will never be able to get it here...
Talking about Oxford Street, I miss going to church in London. The sermons and services at All Souls at the cross road of Oxford Street n Regent Street were simply lovely...somehow i can never find the feeling back here in sg...miss the All Souls orchestra & choir too...always looked forward to services with them once a month...spiritually uplifting no matter how bad ur week has been...
As you guys can probably tell by now, i'm suffering from London withdrawal symptons yet again. If i ever get to go to London or work in London, I'll jump at the opportunity.
I miss London so so much....I hate u merv! :p (kiddin, have fun there, hopefully u'll fall in love with it as much as i did...)
p/s: this is not the end ...just that I'm totally knackered after a long day's work... shall continue to bore everyone with my london musings another day :p
Merv has only 3 days there and asked what's the single thing that he must do there... well no prizes for wat i said... shopping of cuz...there's nothing like dashing from shop to shop starting from Oxford Street all the way to the end of Bond street n not forgetting Regent Street along the way. If I have time, I'll head down to Covent Garden too from Regent Street...that's my usual shopping route n exercise routine :p Oh, if u need food, stop by Chinatown...I miss the fusion style chinese food (Chinese Experience) n the dim sum (Royal Dragon, Golden Dragon) there...
More on the topic of shopping, there's a daily battle going on in my mind whether to go to the library or go shopping after sch... I'm such a disaster ehz...I love shopping on my own so I can take in the sights properly n try out every shoe in all the wonderful shoe shops there... somehow i can never bring myself to buy any shoes in singapore...while i can buy 4 pairs at a go in London (they were 5 quid each btw... i'm a shopaholic but i know my limits...) I miss Kurt Geiger, Faith & Shelly's...miss Selfridges & Harrods during sales... if u're patient enough to dig thru the piles n look thru every asle, u're bound to find some gd bargains there...
The supermarkets are a must go too... miss the rows n rows of ready made food, esp the ones at Marks & Spencers... miss the large variety of cereals, chocolates, tidbits, fruit juices, alcohol n toiletries @ Tesco & Sainsbury... i esp miss grocery shopping at 2am in the morning.... i can stay for 2 hours at a go... there's just so much to see n to agonise over too with my limited budget... Oh oh... not forgetting the lovely markets like Borough Market, Spitalfields Market, Camden Town, Nottinghill Gate... there's so much going on...craving for fresh oysters, lovely brownies, flans & pastries, pizzas & baguettes n freshly brewed coffee along with quirky items to look see...I miss kebabs too... i know i'm weird...
Merv also asked how he could get to his hotel n whether he should take the cab or Heathrow Express... even after the bombings n all I would say that I miss taking the tube n esp the london buses...wouldn't even bother about his 2 observing ppl on the tube n looking out of the windows of the buses...every street every turn, it's so different. There'll always be something that will catch ur eye. Every time u pass by a place, there's always something new u'll pick out.
He said that his travel companion is concerned about needing to walk for long distances... all i can say is, walking in London is a pleasure... walk ard, take in the sights &'s refreshing...I used to walk for everywhere in London, for miles on my shopping escapades especially, all the way from Russell Square to the end of Bond street n den back...kills my legs totally but definitely worth it...even better if u have a cup of mocha from Cafe Nero in ur hands or gingerbread latte from Starbucks...sip slowly, walk at ur own pace n smell the hustle n bustle...If it's sunny, remember to look up n enjoy the clear blue skies...u will never be able to get it here...
Talking about Oxford Street, I miss going to church in London. The sermons and services at All Souls at the cross road of Oxford Street n Regent Street were simply lovely...somehow i can never find the feeling back here in sg...miss the All Souls orchestra & choir too...always looked forward to services with them once a month...spiritually uplifting no matter how bad ur week has been...
As you guys can probably tell by now, i'm suffering from London withdrawal symptons yet again. If i ever get to go to London or work in London, I'll jump at the opportunity.
I miss London so so much....I hate u merv! :p (kiddin, have fun there, hopefully u'll fall in love with it as much as i did...)
p/s: this is not the end ...just that I'm totally knackered after a long day's work... shall continue to bore everyone with my london musings another day :p
Change blog design
Have been getting comments lately from frens n readers tt my humble home is pretty tough to navigate n definitely not office frenly... will be doing something about it once I get some time on my hands... definitely before the end of this year I promise.
So just bear with me for a bit... clearer, less distracting layout coming up! Suggestions are welcomed!
So just bear with me for a bit... clearer, less distracting layout coming up! Suggestions are welcomed!
Bdae in Pix
Had lotsa fun in the last 3 days n I got my hair dyed red! Thanx to the ppl out there who made it possible... haven't had so much fun in a long time!
Will try to put everything down in words soon... in the meantime, do check out the pix on my flickr:
Will try to put everything down in words soon... in the meantime, do check out the pix on my flickr:
Friday, December 01, 2006
The "dreaded" day has arrived...I've officially bid farewell to 23 and am 24 as of this moment!
Thanks to the sweet souls out there: AT, KY, YX n YN for remembering.
Haven't accomplished very much in the past year other than trying to adjust to adult working life, so my goal in the next 365 days is to make every day count!
I know it's one month premature for any new year resolutions to be made but these are the things i'll like to accomplish in the coming year:
1. Get my first car!
2. Start saving up for a house, hopefully by 2008 I'll be able to own a studio apartment.
3. Travel more... London is definitely on the list...
4. Take CFA I or embark on my part-time PHD
5. Spend more quality time with my family and friends
That seems like an awful lot...anyhow, I'm gonna make sure I have a smashing day today! I'm planning to get my hair coloured n gonna meet some frens for shopping followed by dinner at Oosh...hee hee....
Hmmm... only thing is that i'm still stuck at office now...hopefully this is not a sign of things in the coming year....:p
Thanks to the sweet souls out there: AT, KY, YX n YN for remembering.
Haven't accomplished very much in the past year other than trying to adjust to adult working life, so my goal in the next 365 days is to make every day count!
I know it's one month premature for any new year resolutions to be made but these are the things i'll like to accomplish in the coming year:
1. Get my first car!
2. Start saving up for a house, hopefully by 2008 I'll be able to own a studio apartment.
3. Travel more... London is definitely on the list...
4. Take CFA I or embark on my part-time PHD
5. Spend more quality time with my family and friends
That seems like an awful lot...anyhow, I'm gonna make sure I have a smashing day today! I'm planning to get my hair coloured n gonna meet some frens for shopping followed by dinner at Oosh...hee hee....
Hmmm... only thing is that i'm still stuck at office now...hopefully this is not a sign of things in the coming year....:p
Monday, November 27, 2006
Quarter-life crisis
In four days time, I'll be bidding adios to being 23.
The past year has been a roller coaster ride for me. Haven't been through so many ups and downs in 365 days for as long as my memory can serve me. Had a drastic change in my career, death scares of two of my grandparents, meeting someone who mattered very much as a mentor n friend and then screwing things up after having a break down due to stress. Not forgetting passing up on opportunities that on hindsight I should have taken up.
With all these commotion happening in my life, I was telling some friends over the weekend that I'm definitely not looking forward to add another digit to my age as it'll only mean that I'm one step closer to meeting my quarter-life crisis. After entering adult life and coming to terms with its responsibilities, I somehow found myself stuck in a world of career stagnation and extreme insecurity.
Read somewhere online that a primary cause of the stress associated with the "quarter-life crisis" is financial in nature. Real wages for most people have been dropping since the 1970s and most professions have become highly competitive. Positions of relative security – such as tenured positions at universities and "partner" status at law firms – have dwindled in number. This, combined with excessive downsizing, means that many people will never experience occupational security in their lives, and this is doubly unlikely in young adulthood. Generation X that I belong to unfortunately is the first generation to meet with this uncertain "New Economy" en masse.
Property has never been less affordable--especially in the cities, where we must go to compete for jobs. This contributes to a sense of rootlessness. In turn, this impacts on relationships with friends and potential partners--not that most twentysomethings have time for sex.
The era when a professional career meant a life of occupational security – thus allowing an individual to proceed to establish an "inner life" – is coming to a crashing end. Financial professionals are often expected to spend at least 80 hours per week in the office, and people in the legal, medical, educational, and managerial professions may average more than 60. In most cases, these long hours are de facto involuntary, reflecting economic and social insecurity. While these ills plague adults at all ages, their worst victims are ambitious, unestablished young adults.
In The Cheating Culture, David Callahan illustrates that these ills of excessive competition and insecurity do not always end once one becomes established – by being awarded tenure or "partner" status – and therefore the "quarter-life crisis" may actually extend beyond young adulthood. Some measure of financial security – which usually requires occupational security – is necessary for psychological development. Some have theorized that insecurity in the "New Economy" will place many in a state of, effectively, perpetual adolescence, and that the rampant and competitive consumerism of the 1990s and 2000s indicates that this is already taking place.
Having said all that, I guess it's not all doom and gloom. A friend said in return, most people don't reach 100 anyway, so I have nothing to fret as I've perhaps been through this dark patch in my life already and things will only look up from here.
On a separate note, my mind starts to wonder whether I'll prefer dying young or to live a ripe long life and experience lots of crisis like mid-life, old age etc. ... oh well... No one can have the best of all worlds...
The past year has been a roller coaster ride for me. Haven't been through so many ups and downs in 365 days for as long as my memory can serve me. Had a drastic change in my career, death scares of two of my grandparents, meeting someone who mattered very much as a mentor n friend and then screwing things up after having a break down due to stress. Not forgetting passing up on opportunities that on hindsight I should have taken up.
With all these commotion happening in my life, I was telling some friends over the weekend that I'm definitely not looking forward to add another digit to my age as it'll only mean that I'm one step closer to meeting my quarter-life crisis. After entering adult life and coming to terms with its responsibilities, I somehow found myself stuck in a world of career stagnation and extreme insecurity.
Read somewhere online that a primary cause of the stress associated with the "quarter-life crisis" is financial in nature. Real wages for most people have been dropping since the 1970s and most professions have become highly competitive. Positions of relative security – such as tenured positions at universities and "partner" status at law firms – have dwindled in number. This, combined with excessive downsizing, means that many people will never experience occupational security in their lives, and this is doubly unlikely in young adulthood. Generation X that I belong to unfortunately is the first generation to meet with this uncertain "New Economy" en masse.
Property has never been less affordable--especially in the cities, where we must go to compete for jobs. This contributes to a sense of rootlessness. In turn, this impacts on relationships with friends and potential partners--not that most twentysomethings have time for sex.
The era when a professional career meant a life of occupational security – thus allowing an individual to proceed to establish an "inner life" – is coming to a crashing end. Financial professionals are often expected to spend at least 80 hours per week in the office, and people in the legal, medical, educational, and managerial professions may average more than 60. In most cases, these long hours are de facto involuntary, reflecting economic and social insecurity. While these ills plague adults at all ages, their worst victims are ambitious, unestablished young adults.
In The Cheating Culture, David Callahan illustrates that these ills of excessive competition and insecurity do not always end once one becomes established – by being awarded tenure or "partner" status – and therefore the "quarter-life crisis" may actually extend beyond young adulthood. Some measure of financial security – which usually requires occupational security – is necessary for psychological development. Some have theorized that insecurity in the "New Economy" will place many in a state of, effectively, perpetual adolescence, and that the rampant and competitive consumerism of the 1990s and 2000s indicates that this is already taking place.
Having said all that, I guess it's not all doom and gloom. A friend said in return, most people don't reach 100 anyway, so I have nothing to fret as I've perhaps been through this dark patch in my life already and things will only look up from here.
On a separate note, my mind starts to wonder whether I'll prefer dying young or to live a ripe long life and experience lots of crisis like mid-life, old age etc. ... oh well... No one can have the best of all worlds...
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The One, Right Person Wrong Time or Wrong Person Right Time?
Some old frens of mine from good old JC days are trying to find out whether the people that they are dating are "The One" said if she's able to do boring stuff with the person and doesn't find anyone else she hopes to marry even more, the person will be the one, another said if a guy is willing to change for a girl then she is the one, a third mentioned about how much a person is "valued", the more valuable, the more likely he/she is the one.
Honestly, I really am clueless about how to identify "The One". For me, before i start any relationship, unless I see it going somewhere, i.e. end up with marriage at the end of the road, i won't take the plunge. The other is always the one for me I guess.
Was chatting to one of the old frens earlier and the conversation moved on to finding the right person. Relationship is a matter of timing and depending on which school you subscribe to, when things don't work out, it's either the right person but the wrong time ; or the wrong person but the right time.
As he said, if you're not with the right person, it'll feel like you are swimming in tar. I can't agree more. No matter which direction you take it's always gonna be a sticky, murky, dead end.
To him, he subscribes to the case where it's the right person but the wrong time as we are all only 24, or going to 24 in my case, considerably young and things are going pretty well regardless of whether we've met who we think is Mr or Miss Right or not...My take on this is that although things may seem to be progressing well but it's not at it's best. It's always nice to have someone to share your life with regardless of which point in life u belong to. To me, it's the right time all the time, just that the person may not be the right one who would stick with you true the good times and bad for eternity. But hopefully, things are like what he said, n our group of 6 wouldn't have to end up x years later still meeting the wrong person at the right time.
Some pretty random stuff to fill my long absence from blogging.... came back early Sunday morning and have tons of things to attend to....haven't had time to organise my fotos from the trip. All in all a pretty gd trip n i'm definitely much better now... will post pictures of my adventures n misadventures (heads up: it has to do with my hair... look out for pictures... if i decide to put them up...too embarassing) once i manage to steal some time! Watch out for it!
Honestly, I really am clueless about how to identify "The One". For me, before i start any relationship, unless I see it going somewhere, i.e. end up with marriage at the end of the road, i won't take the plunge. The other is always the one for me I guess.
Was chatting to one of the old frens earlier and the conversation moved on to finding the right person. Relationship is a matter of timing and depending on which school you subscribe to, when things don't work out, it's either the right person but the wrong time ; or the wrong person but the right time.
As he said, if you're not with the right person, it'll feel like you are swimming in tar. I can't agree more. No matter which direction you take it's always gonna be a sticky, murky, dead end.
To him, he subscribes to the case where it's the right person but the wrong time as we are all only 24, or going to 24 in my case, considerably young and things are going pretty well regardless of whether we've met who we think is Mr or Miss Right or not...My take on this is that although things may seem to be progressing well but it's not at it's best. It's always nice to have someone to share your life with regardless of which point in life u belong to. To me, it's the right time all the time, just that the person may not be the right one who would stick with you true the good times and bad for eternity. But hopefully, things are like what he said, n our group of 6 wouldn't have to end up x years later still meeting the wrong person at the right time.
Some pretty random stuff to fill my long absence from blogging.... came back early Sunday morning and have tons of things to attend to....haven't had time to organise my fotos from the trip. All in all a pretty gd trip n i'm definitely much better now... will post pictures of my adventures n misadventures (heads up: it has to do with my hair... look out for pictures... if i decide to put them up...too embarassing) once i manage to steal some time! Watch out for it!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Leaving on a jet plane...
Leaving for China in just a couple of hours for work. Just started with my packing...guess i'll just have to sleep on the plane later...
Had a crazy day at work... starting with the Singapore Motorshow 2006 at 830am in the morning at suntec... interesting stuff but i was so dead beat by the end of the day that i can't think straight and was struggling extremely hard to file my stories. Imagine being on your feet all the while from 745am (time I took the train from home) all the way till 5+pm when i got back into office, during which i was trying to drag 10 odd press kits everywhere i went... dreadful...
After all that i've seen at the show today, i'm pretty certain on buying the Suzuki Swift once I get my 13th month at the end of this year. Too bad they aren't doing the lavender/pink version anymore... i'll just have to settle for the yellow one! My fav colour anyway :) It's gonna be a costly investment n gonna be a struggle with my pay now but I guess i'm buying time with a car n definitely will be able to go out more and enjoy life the way i should, instead of what i've been doing for the past couple of weeks... moping around n feeling sorry for myself :) Fingers x that COE prices go back down....:p
Still taking deep breaths after Monday but I'm doing fine moving on. Won't deny that deep down a part of me is still hoping for a miracle...guess no one can really predict what lies ahead so it's nice to harbour some hope for something you desire...i've learnt that fate is a crazy word...just have to make sure it doesn't get the better of me n remain just as memories...
Been doing some self reflection lately after all that has happened...Must say I haven't been myself for the last 2-3 months. I've been told I'm a cheerful, determined and optimistic person b4... but i've been totally opposite after national day it seems. Perhaps that's why I've been screwing things up, making ppl ard me frustrated and lady luck hasn't been on my side. Ppl whom I haven't been treating well the last couple of months, please accept my apologies. Sorry! This trip is gonna be one that i'll try to put everything in the past, be happy again so that I can come back to a new start.
Leaving on a jet plane, dumping all my unhappiness in the Yangtze river n gonna return a happier person!
B4 i continue with my packing...Considering how forgetful I am... Xi equal if u're reading this, Happy Birthday in advance! Can't wait for chuan to come back next Jan...hopefully our kkn trip works out :) Miss u guys like crazy...BIG HUGZ...can't believe it's been 7 years already......we're all getting old!
Toodles ppl.... till next week :)
p/s: uploaded a couple of fotos to keep all of u entertained while i'm away... enjoy!
Had a crazy day at work... starting with the Singapore Motorshow 2006 at 830am in the morning at suntec... interesting stuff but i was so dead beat by the end of the day that i can't think straight and was struggling extremely hard to file my stories. Imagine being on your feet all the while from 745am (time I took the train from home) all the way till 5+pm when i got back into office, during which i was trying to drag 10 odd press kits everywhere i went... dreadful...
After all that i've seen at the show today, i'm pretty certain on buying the Suzuki Swift once I get my 13th month at the end of this year. Too bad they aren't doing the lavender/pink version anymore... i'll just have to settle for the yellow one! My fav colour anyway :) It's gonna be a costly investment n gonna be a struggle with my pay now but I guess i'm buying time with a car n definitely will be able to go out more and enjoy life the way i should, instead of what i've been doing for the past couple of weeks... moping around n feeling sorry for myself :) Fingers x that COE prices go back down....:p
Still taking deep breaths after Monday but I'm doing fine moving on. Won't deny that deep down a part of me is still hoping for a miracle...guess no one can really predict what lies ahead so it's nice to harbour some hope for something you desire...i've learnt that fate is a crazy word...just have to make sure it doesn't get the better of me n remain just as memories...
Been doing some self reflection lately after all that has happened...Must say I haven't been myself for the last 2-3 months. I've been told I'm a cheerful, determined and optimistic person b4... but i've been totally opposite after national day it seems. Perhaps that's why I've been screwing things up, making ppl ard me frustrated and lady luck hasn't been on my side. Ppl whom I haven't been treating well the last couple of months, please accept my apologies. Sorry! This trip is gonna be one that i'll try to put everything in the past, be happy again so that I can come back to a new start.
Leaving on a jet plane, dumping all my unhappiness in the Yangtze river n gonna return a happier person!
B4 i continue with my packing...Considering how forgetful I am... Xi equal if u're reading this, Happy Birthday in advance! Can't wait for chuan to come back next Jan...hopefully our kkn trip works out :) Miss u guys like crazy...BIG HUGZ...can't believe it's been 7 years already......we're all getting old!
Toodles ppl.... till next week :)
p/s: uploaded a couple of fotos to keep all of u entertained while i'm away... enjoy!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
一个多星期前从老总手中接过confirmation letter,心里百感交集。365天,觉得过得好漫长。
不知不觉,12月、1月、2月一一都过去了,总理一直都没有宣布大选。到了那个时候,可以炒的新闻都给我们媒体给炒烂了。在这个时候,我很幸运地发掘了有关Old Ford Factory走宝的新闻。为了写这则新闻,我花了好长的时间和精力翻阅历史书籍,老远跑到南大找一名历史教授,同时也很不容易争取到和国家文物局进行访问。但一切的努力都是值得的,我从中获益不浅。这篇investigative report是我至今最满意的作品,被提名新闻奖。只可惜出街当天和牛奶猪枪杀案硬碰硬而被埋没了。
忙着忙着,6月1日很快地到来了。玩真的和之前的dry run的心情完全不一样,压力也多了一层。一路走着,我们一直在fine tune整个《我报》的运作,几乎每个星期都有变数。也许因为当时有很多存稿的关系,创刊的那个月,《我报》家庭在下班后会到酒店看足球或唱KTV,让我回想起在伦敦工作时,每个星期五下班后与同事们喝酒聚餐的欢愉时光。后来大家可能都累坏了,之后再也没有这样的活动了。真可惜。
接下来的5个月,财经、汽车、时尚、美食、教育、Hot news、本地新闻、爆料、娱乐等我都有机会尝试。令我觉得满意的是Singapore Encyclopedia、Potong Pasir争议街道和Act of God的报道,还有自己想出来的古怪财经专题。时间过得很充实。如果要说挫折,那就是一直碰到手气坏的时候,什么人都联络不到。
一个多星期前从老总手中接过confirmation letter,心里百感交集。365天,觉得过得好漫长。
不知不觉,12月、1月、2月一一都过去了,总理一直都没有宣布大选。到了那个时候,可以炒的新闻都给我们媒体给炒烂了。在这个时候,我很幸运地发掘了有关Old Ford Factory走宝的新闻。为了写这则新闻,我花了好长的时间和精力翻阅历史书籍,老远跑到南大找一名历史教授,同时也很不容易争取到和国家文物局进行访问。但一切的努力都是值得的,我从中获益不浅。这篇investigative report是我至今最满意的作品,被提名新闻奖。只可惜出街当天和牛奶猪枪杀案硬碰硬而被埋没了。
忙着忙着,6月1日很快地到来了。玩真的和之前的dry run的心情完全不一样,压力也多了一层。一路走着,我们一直在fine tune整个《我报》的运作,几乎每个星期都有变数。也许因为当时有很多存稿的关系,创刊的那个月,《我报》家庭在下班后会到酒店看足球或唱KTV,让我回想起在伦敦工作时,每个星期五下班后与同事们喝酒聚餐的欢愉时光。后来大家可能都累坏了,之后再也没有这样的活动了。真可惜。
接下来的5个月,财经、汽车、时尚、美食、教育、Hot news、本地新闻、爆料、娱乐等我都有机会尝试。令我觉得满意的是Singapore Encyclopedia、Potong Pasir争议街道和Act of God的报道,还有自己想出来的古怪财经专题。时间过得很充实。如果要说挫折,那就是一直碰到手气坏的时候,什么人都联络不到。
Monday, November 06, 2006
Someone once told me that in life everything and anything can change at any time, so keep hoping.
I've been hanging on to that hope for the last two months now but reality found it's way and hit me today. Now I'll like to change the above statement to: Hope is just a stumbling block that prevents you from putting the past aside and moving on.
Thanks for giving me the closure today that I needed. Sorry to have caused any unhappiness or inconvenience in the process.
Feeling bitter but definitely much better now.
I've been hanging on to that hope for the last two months now but reality found it's way and hit me today. Now I'll like to change the above statement to: Hope is just a stumbling block that prevents you from putting the past aside and moving on.
Thanks for giving me the closure today that I needed. Sorry to have caused any unhappiness or inconvenience in the process.
Feeling bitter but definitely much better now.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
sleepless fri nite/sat morning...
Finally concluded a long impossible week. Many things happened this week, most I rather not talk about and hope to forget. It certainly felt like the longest week ever in my life. Now that I'm so looking forward to hiding in my bed, so that I can keep away from the rest of the world, I end up with eyes wide opened, feeling crankier than ever.
Seriously, I need to sleep so I can wake up earlier 2moro to go for a much needed jog. I need to get the bad energy out of my systems and get some fresh air back into my brain so I can think straight. Hopefully meeting LF & JT for lunch n K for dinner later on will do me some gd. Retail therapy sounds mightly appealing too.
Going for a JC sch mate's wedding on Sunday. Call me silly, but fingers x that an auspicious occasion such as this will bring some positive energy back into my life. I definitely could do with some luck b4 moving into next week.
Leaving for China on Friday morning for a 10 day junket/working trip. Haven't gone to the embassy to do my visa (was supposed to do it today but I had to go into office early to work on my motoring page cuz the material only came in late last nite...) and have to stock up on biz features b4 i leave. The thought of being stuck on a cruise ship for 4 days is beginning to scare me. Brings back bad memories of being stuck on a semi-cruise ship at Crete last April. Anyone who would like to loan me a gd book to while away time? For sanity sake, I don't wanna end up reading another Game theory book again.
K, i'm gonna give my pillow another go. Hopefully this time it won't choose to fail me yet again.
Seriously, I need to sleep so I can wake up earlier 2moro to go for a much needed jog. I need to get the bad energy out of my systems and get some fresh air back into my brain so I can think straight. Hopefully meeting LF & JT for lunch n K for dinner later on will do me some gd. Retail therapy sounds mightly appealing too.
Going for a JC sch mate's wedding on Sunday. Call me silly, but fingers x that an auspicious occasion such as this will bring some positive energy back into my life. I definitely could do with some luck b4 moving into next week.
Leaving for China on Friday morning for a 10 day junket/working trip. Haven't gone to the embassy to do my visa (was supposed to do it today but I had to go into office early to work on my motoring page cuz the material only came in late last nite...) and have to stock up on biz features b4 i leave. The thought of being stuck on a cruise ship for 4 days is beginning to scare me. Brings back bad memories of being stuck on a semi-cruise ship at Crete last April. Anyone who would like to loan me a gd book to while away time? For sanity sake, I don't wanna end up reading another Game theory book again.
K, i'm gonna give my pillow another go. Hopefully this time it won't choose to fail me yet again.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
My week in pictures
Aside from battling with the haze n cough n moodiness, I've had a pretty "eventful" week....
Was away most of the week on course at INSEAD and staking out TTSH... grandma was taken ill ....
But it wasn't all that bad... relatives who migrated flew back in from Australia & UK... rare get together so I managed to get to see cousins I knew was in existence but have never seen before... (my mum has 12 other rite?)

My Business Journalism coursemates

Dodge Viper @ Dodge Caliber launch

Me, Godma (Aunt Vicky) & Aunt Shireen @ TTSH (bad selfshot :p)

Me & Godma @ Newton Circus hawker centre

Me & Grandpa whoz 84 this year... fellow doggie :)

Cute cousin Cassidy & his mum (Aunt Susan) & dad (Uncle Sam). First time I got to see him!

Cassidy again! Only 21 months but don't underestimate him....he's real smart & a big eater! Look at his bib!!!

Cassidy in action
Sorry would have liked to write more but i'm not really in the mood to talk very much lately....Can't wait for Thurs, going with my best fren to Taiwan for a couple of days... I need some time out....
Was away most of the week on course at INSEAD and staking out TTSH... grandma was taken ill ....
But it wasn't all that bad... relatives who migrated flew back in from Australia & UK... rare get together so I managed to get to see cousins I knew was in existence but have never seen before... (my mum has 12 other rite?)

My Business Journalism coursemates

Dodge Viper @ Dodge Caliber launch

Me, Godma (Aunt Vicky) & Aunt Shireen @ TTSH (bad selfshot :p)

Me & Godma @ Newton Circus hawker centre

Me & Grandpa whoz 84 this year... fellow doggie :)

Cute cousin Cassidy & his mum (Aunt Susan) & dad (Uncle Sam). First time I got to see him!

Cassidy again! Only 21 months but don't underestimate him....he's real smart & a big eater! Look at his bib!!!

Cassidy in action
Sorry would have liked to write more but i'm not really in the mood to talk very much lately....Can't wait for Thurs, going with my best fren to Taiwan for a couple of days... I need some time out....
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Death by Cough
I'm dying.....
Cause of death: Cough
Been coughing like crazy for about 2 weeks... no matter how much I sleep n despite finishing all my medication i'm still coughing...seen the doctor again today... totally bizarre... he told me to change strategy, instead of sleeping i shud go talk a walk at east coast park to get air into my lungs..... hmmm.....not with the haze?!?
Thanks to all who left msgs for me, how thoughtful :) Appreciate it very much.
I'm trying very hard to get well... got tons of work 2 finish n can't work properly cuz I can't talk for long without my throat starting to itch again....Maybe it's the same theory as trying too hard.... perhaps i shudn't try....
Cause of death: Cough
Been coughing like crazy for about 2 weeks... no matter how much I sleep n despite finishing all my medication i'm still coughing...seen the doctor again today... totally bizarre... he told me to change strategy, instead of sleeping i shud go talk a walk at east coast park to get air into my lungs..... hmmm.....not with the haze?!?
Thanks to all who left msgs for me, how thoughtful :) Appreciate it very much.
I'm trying very hard to get well... got tons of work 2 finish n can't work properly cuz I can't talk for long without my throat starting to itch again....Maybe it's the same theory as trying too hard.... perhaps i shudn't try....
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
6、上帝看见你口渴,创造了水;上帝看见你饿,创造了米;上帝看见你没有可爱的朋友, 创造了我;然而他也看见这世界上没有白痴,顺便也创造你。
9、如果长得漂亮是一种错,我已经铸成大错;如果聪明是一种罪,我已经犯下滔天大罪, 做人可真难。但你就好啦,既没错又没罪,我真羡慕你!
10、如果说烧一年的香可以与你相遇,烧3年的香可以与你相识,烧10年的香可以与你相惜。 所以,为了我下辈子的幸福,我愿意――改信基督
6、上帝看见你口渴,创造了水;上帝看见你饿,创造了米;上帝看见你没有可爱的朋友, 创造了我;然而他也看见这世界上没有白痴,顺便也创造你。
9、如果长得漂亮是一种错,我已经铸成大错;如果聪明是一种罪,我已经犯下滔天大罪, 做人可真难。但你就好啦,既没错又没罪,我真羡慕你!
10、如果说烧一年的香可以与你相遇,烧3年的香可以与你相识,烧10年的香可以与你相惜。 所以,为了我下辈子的幸福,我愿意――改信基督
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Sick :(
Haven't been this sick for a long time...... feels really horrible man. My head's spinning, can't talk properly without coughing like mad, have a temperature n feeling weak all over...It's the weekend n all i've done is sleep :( I even missed church today cuz I woke up super late....guilty.....
After coughing for two weeks I've finally decided to go to the doctor's on Friday... hate seeing doctors cuz they have nothing but bad news all the time...
Doctor said I contracted a viral infection of the throat and gave me cough mixure, cough relief drops and antibiotics... i've been putting off the antibiotics for the last 2 days cuz they look huge n disgusting, think it's time i take them or i'll never recover....
Hoping for a better week starting tomorrow... haven't had much luck with interviewees this week....
After coughing for two weeks I've finally decided to go to the doctor's on Friday... hate seeing doctors cuz they have nothing but bad news all the time...
Doctor said I contracted a viral infection of the throat and gave me cough mixure, cough relief drops and antibiotics... i've been putting off the antibiotics for the last 2 days cuz they look huge n disgusting, think it's time i take them or i'll never recover....
Hoping for a better week starting tomorrow... haven't had much luck with interviewees this week....
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Computer crashed again!!!! Arghh....
My computer decided to go into hibernation out of a sudden again!!!!!
Pisses me off totally cuz I'm used to typing in notepad and there is no autosave function. Doesn't help that I don't have the habit of saving whatever I type every few minutes. Just lost a 900+ words article which I'm suppose to submit at 7pm... totally sucky...starting from scratch again on my off day at 6.50pm is totally @&*%*(%&)#&%)...
sighz... but who else to blame but stupid me... maybe I shud start using 文韬 to type my articles....
Or perhaps the computer technician is right... my seat is jinxed... that's why my computer shuts down on it's own n my light flickers like disco lights whenever I turn it on.
Pisses me off totally cuz I'm used to typing in notepad and there is no autosave function. Doesn't help that I don't have the habit of saving whatever I type every few minutes. Just lost a 900+ words article which I'm suppose to submit at 7pm... totally sucky...starting from scratch again on my off day at 6.50pm is totally @&*%*(%&)#&%)...
sighz... but who else to blame but stupid me... maybe I shud start using 文韬 to type my articles....
Or perhaps the computer technician is right... my seat is jinxed... that's why my computer shuts down on it's own n my light flickers like disco lights whenever I turn it on.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Found this on the web while looking for stuff... interesting....
一本《“坏”女人有人爱》(WHY MEN LOVE BITCHES)的亚马逊书店热卖书被引进国内,教导时髦女性如何变“坏”。
一本《“坏”女人有人爱》(WHY MEN LOVE BITCHES)的亚马逊书店热卖书被引进国内,教导时髦女性如何变“坏”。
Thursday, September 21, 2006
忠告:这只是temporary measure。至于真正能够解闷的方法,我还在寻找。有没有人要为我指点迷经?
忠告:这只是temporary measure。至于真正能够解闷的方法,我还在寻找。有没有人要为我指点迷经?
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Bangkok 28
Hmm...working on the coup at the moment... just had to write this cuz it's so weird, the 4 ppl i interviewed today were all 28 years old.... n the person my colleague YT interviewed was also 28.
What's this with 28 year old Singaporean males heading for Bangkok...hmmm...
Not forgetting to all the kind souls who responded for my urgent plea for interviewees and the 4 of you for being so kind to spare me a couple of mins! It's ppl like u guys who make my job so much ezier! Big THANKS :)
What's this with 28 year old Singaporean males heading for Bangkok...hmmm...
Not forgetting to all the kind souls who responded for my urgent plea for interviewees and the 4 of you for being so kind to spare me a couple of mins! It's ppl like u guys who make my job so much ezier! Big THANKS :)
London Fashion Week
London Fashion Week is here again!
I remember checking it out while studying in London although the entrance fee was a ridiculously sky high 10 quid (= S$30)! & that the stuff that I bought there were either sold off on ebay or still left untouched (my Lulu Guinness umbrella & Georgina Goodman shoes.... they cost a bomb, prob the most expensive pair of shoes in my extensive collection...just can't bear to wear them....) But I remember having the best manicure ever in that tent... so far none of the manicurist i've been to in Singapore can ever match up to the Nails Inc. (think it's this... can't quite remember the name... it's been a year...) gals using their crabtree & evelyn stuff!
Which reminds me, my handcreams from crabtree & eveyln are still in the boxes in my room...
Been putting off with unpacking for nearly a year now... it seems that once you leave Singapore and return, you find that you can never really fit back in again.
Having said that, if I keep putting it off, I'll never settle back in here ever, which is definitely not what I want. Right, I need to start unpacking my life this weekend. Resolution.
Gee... how random is this post? Probably as screwed up & mixed up as my feelings now....
I remember checking it out while studying in London although the entrance fee was a ridiculously sky high 10 quid (= S$30)! & that the stuff that I bought there were either sold off on ebay or still left untouched (my Lulu Guinness umbrella & Georgina Goodman shoes.... they cost a bomb, prob the most expensive pair of shoes in my extensive collection...just can't bear to wear them....) But I remember having the best manicure ever in that tent... so far none of the manicurist i've been to in Singapore can ever match up to the Nails Inc. (think it's this... can't quite remember the name... it's been a year...) gals using their crabtree & evelyn stuff!
Which reminds me, my handcreams from crabtree & eveyln are still in the boxes in my room...
Been putting off with unpacking for nearly a year now... it seems that once you leave Singapore and return, you find that you can never really fit back in again.
Having said that, if I keep putting it off, I'll never settle back in here ever, which is definitely not what I want. Right, I need to start unpacking my life this weekend. Resolution.
Gee... how random is this post? Probably as screwed up & mixed up as my feelings now....
回家的途中,在老爸的车里听着Class 95的怀旧情歌和甜蜜的点歌记语,每一句歌词,每一个字,感觉都像一根根的刺,捅入我的心。
回家的途中,在老爸的车里听着Class 95的怀旧情歌和甜蜜的点歌记语,每一句歌词,每一个字,感觉都像一根根的刺,捅入我的心。
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
dog died....:(
boo hoo hoo...我刚发现它终于被我捏坏了,肚子破了两个大洞:(
听人常说,Bad things come in's been more than three things already... 放过我吧!!! :(((((
boo hoo hoo...我刚发现它终于被我捏坏了,肚子破了两个大洞:(
听人常说,Bad things come in's been more than three things already... 放过我吧!!! :(((((
去购物,进行retail therapy?
To Xi/LJ: free Sun? SOS...Retail therapy beckons...
去购物,进行retail therapy?
To Xi/LJ: free Sun? SOS...Retail therapy beckons...
Thursday, September 14, 2006
ipod 30GB @ only S$428. Darn!
Shucks.... feel super cheated now... ipod new generation 30GB going at only S$428. I got mine at S$488 :(
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
tummyache :(
My stomach's been churning since Friday... feel like dying already but I hate going to the doctors... how..........sighz.............
Friday, September 08, 2006
好不容易熬到星期五,但今天不知怎么的,全身好像长了刺似的,一直坐立不安,比每逢星期一努力摆脱Monday Blues还要吃力。
明天约了朋友吃饭看电影,星期天早上上教堂,下午会去Zouk的Flea Market,晚上托Mervin的福,会去看韩国组合Shinhwa的演唱会。
唉,但在去逍遥之前我得先完成汽车稿和明天的Hot News,否则就得人头落地了。Later peeps!
明天约了朋友吃饭看电影,星期天早上上教堂,下午会去Zouk的Flea Market,晚上托Mervin的福,会去看韩国组合Shinhwa的演唱会。
唉,但在去逍遥之前我得先完成汽车稿和明天的Hot News,否则就得人头落地了。Later peeps!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Comex 2006
Went to Comex 2006 today and finally decided to give up my lovely companion (Canon Powershot A80) for it's younger n sleeker counterpart the Canon IXUS 60! My bag will weigh much lighter starting Monday! Can't wait!... hmmm but i'm not quite ready to give up the powershot to my mum... love the revolving LCD screen (great for narcissistic me... totally love self shots!) and the replaceable AA batteries.

Paid S$520 for my Canon IXUS 60 and got the following freebies: 1 1 GB SD card, 2 512mb SD cards, Canon Pro bag, Cleaning kit, IXUS leather case, mini tripod and 1 pack of screen protectors. I didn't get ripped off rite?
Spent super a lot of money today... besides the IXUS, I also got myself an ipod!

Never really intended to buy an ipod since I already got myself an ipod-lookalike, 1 GB Korean MP4 player that has radio function just last November for $120 at some IT fair at Suntec.
Well, put it this way, the Apple booth next to the Canon booth caught my eye and I liked the sales girl's service and attitude, so I gave in and got my very first 30 GB Video ipod at $488 (figured it's more worth it than a nano going at $325 for just a 4GB without video function). Manage to get a red leather casing with protective covers and a 3 pin adapter ($54) for free. Hopefully this is a good buy too and that Apple doesn't decide to drop the prices of ipod further (altho chances r quite big considering microsoft n toshiba r planning to launch MP3s and iriver & Creative powering up their gears too....).
Call it my occupational hazzard, my mind runs over time for smart spending articles in My Paper wherever I go... so here you go ppl, Smart Spending Tips for Comex (N.B. TStrictly for bimbos like me.... guys who know their stuff will prob not need this....)
1. Go Sunday afternoon (the stuff that u r eyeing mite not be available if u go too late) if u aren't put off by the crowds, if not Saturday at 8.30pm (closing time 9pm) will be a great alternative. Trust me, u can shop way pass 9pm (I left at 945pm today....) minus the crowds n much much better service from the sales person trying to clinch the last deal for the day but only if u already know what u want.
2. Don't settle for the free gifts that are stated, it pays to be greedy n ask for more...
3. Heard from my frens, not sure how true this is, worth a try: Go to Sim Lim when everyone else is focused on Comex and negotiate by saying that the guys at Comex have offered u a better deal...)
Paid S$520 for my Canon IXUS 60 and got the following freebies: 1 1 GB SD card, 2 512mb SD cards, Canon Pro bag, Cleaning kit, IXUS leather case, mini tripod and 1 pack of screen protectors. I didn't get ripped off rite?
Spent super a lot of money today... besides the IXUS, I also got myself an ipod!
Never really intended to buy an ipod since I already got myself an ipod-lookalike, 1 GB Korean MP4 player that has radio function just last November for $120 at some IT fair at Suntec.
Well, put it this way, the Apple booth next to the Canon booth caught my eye and I liked the sales girl's service and attitude, so I gave in and got my very first 30 GB Video ipod at $488 (figured it's more worth it than a nano going at $325 for just a 4GB without video function). Manage to get a red leather casing with protective covers and a 3 pin adapter ($54) for free. Hopefully this is a good buy too and that Apple doesn't decide to drop the prices of ipod further (altho chances r quite big considering microsoft n toshiba r planning to launch MP3s and iriver & Creative powering up their gears too....).
Call it my occupational hazzard, my mind runs over time for smart spending articles in My Paper wherever I go... so here you go ppl, Smart Spending Tips for Comex (N.B. TStrictly for bimbos like me.... guys who know their stuff will prob not need this....)
1. Go Sunday afternoon (the stuff that u r eyeing mite not be available if u go too late) if u aren't put off by the crowds, if not Saturday at 8.30pm (closing time 9pm) will be a great alternative. Trust me, u can shop way pass 9pm (I left at 945pm today....) minus the crowds n much much better service from the sales person trying to clinch the last deal for the day but only if u already know what u want.
2. Don't settle for the free gifts that are stated, it pays to be greedy n ask for more...
3. Heard from my frens, not sure how true this is, worth a try: Go to Sim Lim when everyone else is focused on Comex and negotiate by saying that the guys at Comex have offered u a better deal...)
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Adidas Media Sale Preview
The hopeless shopaholic i.e. ME, has been at work again.
Got an invite last nite from the Fulford guys (THANKS! Oh, and not forgetting the wonderful Eric from Adidas! Thanks for everything dude :) Appreciate your help for everything all these while!) saying that there's gonna be a Adidas media sale preview today at Raffles City from 730-9pm. Was struggling the whole nite yesterday and almost the whole day today whether to go for it. So I've been pretty productive the whole day, finished my motoring article, stock picks n sti in record time!
Since it's actually more of a want than a need, I was still struggling like mad at 730pm whether to rush down to shop or to go for dinner with my colleagues...... Didn't help that I've got colleagues who know my weakness for shopping and tempted me to go ahead since I already had an idea of the stuff I wanted. Bosses gave me the go ahead provided that I bought Macs back for them, so nice rite :)
So I finally rushed down at 8pm, reached there at about 820pm and grabbed the following that I've been eyeing for months ('xcept the last item):

Betty Boop Adicolor Shoes

Miss Piggy Adicolor Hoodie
Wanted to get the Betty Boop Hoodie originally but somehow it looked weird on me. Just at that point of time, the following caught my eye. Although it's a man's jacket, I just had to get it:

Nice? Brings back the gd old days when I was one free bird in London living as I please....
Got onto the MRT after that n reached Braddell just before 9pm. Queued for Macs for my bosses n got back to my desk at 915pm. Not bad rite?
Kiez now back to work... or else you guys won't have any hot news and biz feature to read for Saturday!!!!
Got an invite last nite from the Fulford guys (THANKS! Oh, and not forgetting the wonderful Eric from Adidas! Thanks for everything dude :) Appreciate your help for everything all these while!) saying that there's gonna be a Adidas media sale preview today at Raffles City from 730-9pm. Was struggling the whole nite yesterday and almost the whole day today whether to go for it. So I've been pretty productive the whole day, finished my motoring article, stock picks n sti in record time!
Since it's actually more of a want than a need, I was still struggling like mad at 730pm whether to rush down to shop or to go for dinner with my colleagues...... Didn't help that I've got colleagues who know my weakness for shopping and tempted me to go ahead since I already had an idea of the stuff I wanted. Bosses gave me the go ahead provided that I bought Macs back for them, so nice rite :)
So I finally rushed down at 8pm, reached there at about 820pm and grabbed the following that I've been eyeing for months ('xcept the last item):

Betty Boop Adicolor Shoes

Miss Piggy Adicolor Hoodie
Wanted to get the Betty Boop Hoodie originally but somehow it looked weird on me. Just at that point of time, the following caught my eye. Although it's a man's jacket, I just had to get it:

Nice? Brings back the gd old days when I was one free bird in London living as I please....
Got onto the MRT after that n reached Braddell just before 9pm. Queued for Macs for my bosses n got back to my desk at 915pm. Not bad rite?
Kiez now back to work... or else you guys won't have any hot news and biz feature to read for Saturday!!!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
You Should Drive a Saturn Sky |
You're sleek and smooth, and you need a car to match your hot persona. Besides, sometimes you want your top up - and sometimes you want it down. |
Friday, August 25, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Getting to know myself
Was sent this by a fren some time back, never had a chance to do it till insomnia decided to hit me today.... so here goes:
Get to know yourself better (
Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
---That's nice to know... hopefully i can keep it that way...
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
---hmm.... I've always dreamt of falling in love at first sight & then lead a happily ever after life with mr right... does that count?
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
---hmmm................doesn't seem to happen....
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
---Very true... would definitely want to go back to sch to get my phd at some point
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
---True...Seems like i really have a concentration problem...
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
---Somewhat true
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
---Very true.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
---hmmmm................Perhaps I just suffer from PMS all the time...:p
Get to know yourself better (
Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
---That's nice to know... hopefully i can keep it that way...
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
---hmm.... I've always dreamt of falling in love at first sight & then lead a happily ever after life with mr right... does that count?
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
---hmmm................doesn't seem to happen....
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
---Very true... would definitely want to go back to sch to get my phd at some point
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
---True...Seems like i really have a concentration problem...
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
---Somewhat true
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
---Very true.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
---hmmmm................Perhaps I just suffer from PMS all the time...:p
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Of Boomerangs & Personal Finance
Boomerang is an American slang term that refers to an adult who has moved back in with his or her parents (who are part of the baby boomer generation) instead of living independently. The phrase, when applied to an individual, makes reference to the fact that the person lived independently for a period, but subsequently returned home due to the financial costs associated with maintaining a separate household.
While boomer parents may be pleased emotionally to have their boomerangs back in the household, boomerangs can often pose a significant financial burden on their parents. This can result in a reduction in retirement savings for the boomerang's parents, leaving them with the decision to either postpone their own retirement or have their children help out with the household expenses.
Other countries have adopted similar slang to represent this domestic phenomenon. In Italy, the term "mammon", or "mama's boys"is used, while the Japanese refer to them as "parasaito shinguru", or "parasite singles". In the U.K., children boomeranging back home has given rise to the acronym KIPPERS (or kids in parents' pockets eroding retirement savings).
Boomerang is an American slang term that refers to an adult who has moved back in with his or her parents (who are part of the baby boomer generation) instead of living independently. The phrase, when applied to an individual, makes reference to the fact that the person lived independently for a period, but subsequently returned home due to the financial costs associated with maintaining a separate household.
While boomer parents may be pleased emotionally to have their boomerangs back in the household, boomerangs can often pose a significant financial burden on their parents. This can result in a reduction in retirement savings for the boomerang's parents, leaving them with the decision to either postpone their own retirement or have their children help out with the household expenses.
Other countries have adopted similar slang to represent this domestic phenomenon. In Italy, the term "mammon", or "mama's boys"is used, while the Japanese refer to them as "parasaito shinguru", or "parasite singles". In the U.K., children boomeranging back home has given rise to the acronym KIPPERS (or kids in parents' pockets eroding retirement savings).
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
LA pix
Most of my LA photos & the rest of my Japan photos r up on flickr...ran out of space yet again... will post the rest soon somehow...
Thanks incognito bane for recommending fotopic but I found it a pain to use... my mac stalls after 16 pictures each time so I gave up....any more suggestions?
Thanks incognito bane for recommending fotopic but I found it a pain to use... my mac stalls after 16 pictures each time so I gave up....any more suggestions?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
I've visited 9% of the world!
Saw this on a fren's blog & decided to try it out:

visited 22 countries (9%)
create your own visited country map
I need to finish Europe, start Latin America & Africa....
It's crazy that I'm thinking of holidaying again given that i'm still sick & sore all over from my sun burn....oh well....
visited 22 countries (9%)
create your own visited country map
I need to finish Europe, start Latin America & Africa....
It's crazy that I'm thinking of holidaying again given that i'm still sick & sore all over from my sun burn....oh well....
Saturday, July 29, 2006
LA Times Part 2
Right... the long overdue post that I owe:
Day 3: Downtown LA & Hollywood
Who said LA was too rough & is impossible to go by public transport from Orange County? Lots of patience & being alert at all times is all that u need and all it costs is 3USD!
Woke up really early, took the hotel bus to Disneyland to change a metro bus into downtown LA. Went by Knotts Berry Farm / Staples Center etc. along the way. Got off at 7th Street to visit the visitor's information counter n got a wad of brochures & bus maps for LA, Hollywood & Santa Monica. Walked ard the area for awhile b4 taking the metro rail to Union Station. Visited Little Mexico (had really nice tacos there for lunch), Chinatown, Little Tokyo, Civic Center, Lady of Angels Church (or something along those lines....), Pershing Square, Grand Central Market, Angel's Flight, Million Dollar Theatre etc. all on foot in about 2-3 hours.... that's what i call travelling... hate to waste time while travelling cuz i'll prob not go back to that place again...
After which we took the metro rail to Hollywood/ Highland and checked out the world famous Kodak Theatre & Chinese Grausman Theatre where the Oscars r held, not forgetting the Hollywood stars walkway as well as doing the touristy thing of taking fotos with the stars... matched my hands with Steven Spielberg's and was next to Britney's star... hee hee.... i love bubble gum pop :p ....
Went on a Celebrity House bus tour as well... 2 hours $27 guess it was alrite... went to quite a lot of places like Justin Timerlake's home, saw Eva Longoria's Pink house, Quentin Tarentino's neverending brick walled fence home, Tom Cruise's place with lots of paparrazi parked outside, Beverly Hills hotel, Rodeo Drive, Sunset Strip, Beverly Hills... pretty eventful huh? Tried spotting Paris HIlton or someone famous since my fav trashy sites alwiz have them shopping all the time....but didn't spot any....better luck next time.... our guide was fantastic I must say, he's a standup comedian called Little Larry, check out his myspace... interesting stuff:

After the tour, I went to get Disneyland & Universal Studios tickets for my bro n myself from the info counter so i don't have to queue for the next 2 days, then we proceeded to take a picture of the hollywood sign from the shopping center's viewing gallery. Then came the highlight of the day: shopping at Farmer's Market & the Grove... too bad i only had an hour at that place so i only managed to get a Forever 21 Jap looking top n a piece of hair accesory + a homemade icecream ... forever 21 is so cheap!!!! everything is about 20+ dollars... compared to the minimum $50+ that we have to pay here in sg.... not forgetting greater variety as well... checked out Abercrombie but didn't have time to try stuff on or I would definitely grab a couple of skirts & jackets home ... loved the shop layout... very very cool stuff but a tad too dark i feel...The Grove is definitely a must go if u drop by West Hollywood... great shopping for both guys n gals... great food at the market too... u wun be disappointed.... trust me on this one!
Caught the 1007pm last bus back to Orange County in the nick of time n got back to the hotel at about midnite... pretty satisfied but wished I had more time at the Grove....:p well i guess it was gd for my wallet...
(rite i need to pop out for a bit.... will finish this when I return 2nite.....)
Day 4: Disneyland
Day 5: Universal Studios
Day 6: The Block @ Orange & Long Beach
Day 7: Santa Monica
Day 3: Downtown LA & Hollywood
Who said LA was too rough & is impossible to go by public transport from Orange County? Lots of patience & being alert at all times is all that u need and all it costs is 3USD!
Woke up really early, took the hotel bus to Disneyland to change a metro bus into downtown LA. Went by Knotts Berry Farm / Staples Center etc. along the way. Got off at 7th Street to visit the visitor's information counter n got a wad of brochures & bus maps for LA, Hollywood & Santa Monica. Walked ard the area for awhile b4 taking the metro rail to Union Station. Visited Little Mexico (had really nice tacos there for lunch), Chinatown, Little Tokyo, Civic Center, Lady of Angels Church (or something along those lines....), Pershing Square, Grand Central Market, Angel's Flight, Million Dollar Theatre etc. all on foot in about 2-3 hours.... that's what i call travelling... hate to waste time while travelling cuz i'll prob not go back to that place again...
After which we took the metro rail to Hollywood/ Highland and checked out the world famous Kodak Theatre & Chinese Grausman Theatre where the Oscars r held, not forgetting the Hollywood stars walkway as well as doing the touristy thing of taking fotos with the stars... matched my hands with Steven Spielberg's and was next to Britney's star... hee hee.... i love bubble gum pop :p ....
Went on a Celebrity House bus tour as well... 2 hours $27 guess it was alrite... went to quite a lot of places like Justin Timerlake's home, saw Eva Longoria's Pink house, Quentin Tarentino's neverending brick walled fence home, Tom Cruise's place with lots of paparrazi parked outside, Beverly Hills hotel, Rodeo Drive, Sunset Strip, Beverly Hills... pretty eventful huh? Tried spotting Paris HIlton or someone famous since my fav trashy sites alwiz have them shopping all the time....but didn't spot any....better luck next time.... our guide was fantastic I must say, he's a standup comedian called Little Larry, check out his myspace... interesting stuff:

After the tour, I went to get Disneyland & Universal Studios tickets for my bro n myself from the info counter so i don't have to queue for the next 2 days, then we proceeded to take a picture of the hollywood sign from the shopping center's viewing gallery. Then came the highlight of the day: shopping at Farmer's Market & the Grove... too bad i only had an hour at that place so i only managed to get a Forever 21 Jap looking top n a piece of hair accesory + a homemade icecream ... forever 21 is so cheap!!!! everything is about 20+ dollars... compared to the minimum $50+ that we have to pay here in sg.... not forgetting greater variety as well... checked out Abercrombie but didn't have time to try stuff on or I would definitely grab a couple of skirts & jackets home ... loved the shop layout... very very cool stuff but a tad too dark i feel...The Grove is definitely a must go if u drop by West Hollywood... great shopping for both guys n gals... great food at the market too... u wun be disappointed.... trust me on this one!
Caught the 1007pm last bus back to Orange County in the nick of time n got back to the hotel at about midnite... pretty satisfied but wished I had more time at the Grove....:p well i guess it was gd for my wallet...
(rite i need to pop out for a bit.... will finish this when I return 2nite.....)
Day 4: Disneyland
Day 5: Universal Studios
Day 6: The Block @ Orange & Long Beach
Day 7: Santa Monica
Japan photos r up!
Okie... not all my japan fotos... only 2 days out of the 4.... exceeded my flickr limit already... contemplating about an upgrade to pro but i wun need so much space once i'm back at work.... guess i'll have to find another place to host my pictures... any suggestions??
Update on the rest of LA coming rite up.... once i'm done with procrastinating at home tt is.... hee hee.....
Update on the rest of LA coming rite up.... once i'm done with procrastinating at home tt is.... hee hee.....
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
LA Times
Hi ppl... sorry was too tired to blog yesterday so I'm gonna combine 2 days of shopping into one blog goes:
Day 1: The OC Pilgrimage
I love the show The OC and was pretty pleased when I heard that my hotel was gonna be in Orange County. But having stepped foot in here, I can tell u that it's one of the most ulu places on this planet man... besides Disneyland & Knotts Berry Farm there isn't very much to do around this place. The hotel personnels except for one wasn't very helpful either in giving directions, insisting that I need to drive in order to get my way ard n i shudn't go to Downtown LA alone as it's full of muggers...
That aside, I managed to get on a public bus that runs just outside the hotel and asked for directions from the bus driver. Managed to somehow get myself down to Newport Beach & Bilbao Island.. home of the OC :) Having seen it for myself, I now truly understand why ppl say that LA is about beaches n shopping (besides Disneyland & Hollywood)...the beaches were sprawling, blue skies, blue sea, nice soft sand, ppl surfing... it's my kind of place :) There were lots of ppl fishing at the pier as well n this guy actually caught this huge stingray about 1m long... amazing stuff... he threw it back into the sea with the help of others at the pier if u're wondering. Oh and there was this shop near the beach which sells the OC stuff, took a picture with the director chairs with the names of the OC characters on it.
After frolicking about the beach, I took the bus to this place called Fashion Island... cool huh? It's located opposite the opening scene of the OC (this row of houses situated along a cliff) it's so so so huge... it's about 5 suntec city malls put together... amazing stuff, there's Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdales, Macy's, Nike Goddess (i couldn't find it though), BCBG, Victoria Secrets, etc. .... got a Laundry by Shelli Segal dress at $75 (original was $250) from Neiman Marcus & a Bloomingdales Little Brown Bag :) Got back to the hotel close 2 midnite & watched Sex & the city, Southpark & movies on HBO... nice stuff...
Day 2: Desert trail
Today I went to this really huge factory outlet in the middle of the desert at Palm Springs called Desert Hills Premium Shopping Outlet. Surrounded by mountains & the desert, it's a really "cool" experience shopping there with it's over 250 shops n all... heaven for shopping queen here...hee hee...
I must say being in the middle of a desert in summer was truly an experience... it was freaking hot!!!!! Was practically fried in there... way hotter than I ducked from one shop to another to stay in air a result I got lots of stuff n burnt a huge hole in my pocket in my 6 hours that I was there:
1. Ferragamo pumps (US$120 from $260)
2. Marc Jacobs flats (US$105 from $220)
3. BCBG top (US$40 from $70)
4. Miss Sixty Jeans (US$80 from $120)
5. Coach contact lense case (US$30 from $60)
6. 3 pairs of Nike socks (US$8 from $13)
7. Adidas cap (US$5 from $13)
8. Blueberry Green Tea Frappacino from Starbucks ($3.30)
Am so not gonna shop for the next 2 months at least after this trip man... but at least i havent been shopping apart from the mango sale in the last 2 months so I guess I'm entitled to do so ehz?
Okiez gotta call it a day here as I need to call a fren to see if I can meet up with her while i'm in LA... miss her so much...
Later guys! Ta~
Day 1: The OC Pilgrimage
I love the show The OC and was pretty pleased when I heard that my hotel was gonna be in Orange County. But having stepped foot in here, I can tell u that it's one of the most ulu places on this planet man... besides Disneyland & Knotts Berry Farm there isn't very much to do around this place. The hotel personnels except for one wasn't very helpful either in giving directions, insisting that I need to drive in order to get my way ard n i shudn't go to Downtown LA alone as it's full of muggers...
That aside, I managed to get on a public bus that runs just outside the hotel and asked for directions from the bus driver. Managed to somehow get myself down to Newport Beach & Bilbao Island.. home of the OC :) Having seen it for myself, I now truly understand why ppl say that LA is about beaches n shopping (besides Disneyland & Hollywood)...the beaches were sprawling, blue skies, blue sea, nice soft sand, ppl surfing... it's my kind of place :) There were lots of ppl fishing at the pier as well n this guy actually caught this huge stingray about 1m long... amazing stuff... he threw it back into the sea with the help of others at the pier if u're wondering. Oh and there was this shop near the beach which sells the OC stuff, took a picture with the director chairs with the names of the OC characters on it.
After frolicking about the beach, I took the bus to this place called Fashion Island... cool huh? It's located opposite the opening scene of the OC (this row of houses situated along a cliff) it's so so so huge... it's about 5 suntec city malls put together... amazing stuff, there's Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdales, Macy's, Nike Goddess (i couldn't find it though), BCBG, Victoria Secrets, etc. .... got a Laundry by Shelli Segal dress at $75 (original was $250) from Neiman Marcus & a Bloomingdales Little Brown Bag :) Got back to the hotel close 2 midnite & watched Sex & the city, Southpark & movies on HBO... nice stuff...
Day 2: Desert trail
Today I went to this really huge factory outlet in the middle of the desert at Palm Springs called Desert Hills Premium Shopping Outlet. Surrounded by mountains & the desert, it's a really "cool" experience shopping there with it's over 250 shops n all... heaven for shopping queen here...hee hee...
I must say being in the middle of a desert in summer was truly an experience... it was freaking hot!!!!! Was practically fried in there... way hotter than I ducked from one shop to another to stay in air a result I got lots of stuff n burnt a huge hole in my pocket in my 6 hours that I was there:
1. Ferragamo pumps (US$120 from $260)
2. Marc Jacobs flats (US$105 from $220)
3. BCBG top (US$40 from $70)
4. Miss Sixty Jeans (US$80 from $120)
5. Coach contact lense case (US$30 from $60)
6. 3 pairs of Nike socks (US$8 from $13)
7. Adidas cap (US$5 from $13)
8. Blueberry Green Tea Frappacino from Starbucks ($3.30)
Am so not gonna shop for the next 2 months at least after this trip man... but at least i havent been shopping apart from the mango sale in the last 2 months so I guess I'm entitled to do so ehz?
Okiez gotta call it a day here as I need to call a fren to see if I can meet up with her while i'm in LA... miss her so much...
Later guys! Ta~
Goodbye Prof Silverstone
Roger Silverstone, 15 June 1945 – 16 July 2006
Convenor, Department of Media and Communications, LSE
The faculty, staff and students mourn the sudden passing of Roger Silverstone, who died peacefully on 16 July surrounded by his family. Roger had undergone corrective surgery last week but died of complications on Sunday morning. This news has come as a profound shock to all of us in Roger’s Department of Media and Communications, the wider LSE community, and will deeply affect very many people around the world whose lives were touched by Roger.
Will always remember the lectures that u gave us for MC400 & for helping me out with some parts of my dissertation. Can't thank you enough. Rest in peace professor. We'll miss u.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Hi from LA & summary of Japan trip
Hi guys... finally got internet access... hope all of u didn't miss me too much! Just got into in orange county so it's miles from everywhere n the bell man insisted that i shouldn't head down to Downtown LA on my own... grr.... so maybe i'll just have to be contented with Disneyland & Knott's Berry Farm if i don't take those package tours.... we'll see what I can do...
Now for the long awaited rundown of my Japan trip: Warning.... LONG POST!
Let's see...
Day One in Japan: Kinugawa
Very first place I went was the Nikko Samurai Village... honestly it was a joke .... reminds me of the old Tang Dynasty City I went in Singapore as a child...fortunately the teppanyaki lunch kinda made up for it...
Next up was Kegon Falls (one of Japan's biggest waterfalls), Lake Chuzenji and the Irohazaka road known as the Zig-zag driveway... i must really take my hat off to our bus driver... the turns were really sharp n imagine having to manouvere a long bus through... boy.... would love to test drive on such tracks though... would be fun...
In the evening, we stayed in a resort hotel in Kinugawa... although the hotel & room was pretty old & run down but I got to stay in this amazing traditional japanese room!!!! I even slept on a tatami... best of all... it comes with it's very own public bath (wen1 quan2)... was pretty hesistant initially about walking about in my birthday suit but once I got into the open air bath, I'm glad i plucked up the courage.
Day Two: Tokyo
We headed down to tokyo early in the morning... stopped at Asakysa & Nakamise Street first... interesting shopping street with loads of souvenirs & food... too bad i didn't have time to check out this nearby street which sells rubber food (i'm just super amazed by the rubber food displays that almost every restaurant in japan has... esp the ones with the chopsticks holding up the ramen in midair... simply unbelievable)
After which, we headed to Odaiba and passed by the Rainbow bridge... hmm nothing very spectacular... oh n u wun believe it... the tour guide actually arranged for us to have italian food for lunch... Italian food in Japan?!?! it just doesn't taste anywhere near.... more of a half way pt btw italian n jap food... just imagine jap rice used to cook risotto... ewww....)
But I was truly impressed by the next stop & spent over an hour there... the Toyota Showcase at Odaiba Waterfront... very interesting... they have the full range of toyotas in there n lexus... super duper chio sport cars... futuristic display models, f1 cars, the full range of hybrid cars n u can even test drive their mini hybrid car within the building itself... too bad the queue was too long n i didn't have time or i would have gone for it...
Next up was supposed to be Ginza and I was totally looking for it but my group consists mainly of aunties n they aren't appreciative of the sony gallery, shiseido gallery n the interesting upmarket malls so they insisted we give it a miss ... after we got off the bus!... So we actually got off, walked for 100m while they complained nonstop to the tourguide and the tour guide had to get the bus to turn back n pick us up again.... argghhhh.....
The tourguide then arranged for us to check out the shops at Shinjuku but we were caught in this big traffic jam for about an hour ... must say the underground malls r really impressive...tons of stuff & all the better as they're having their summer sale now.... bought 2 dresses ;p Checked out the camera shops above ground as well... prices weren't as competitive as I thought it would be so i didn't manage to get a new camera (tt means more money for my shopping)... was planning to get a Lumix or a Canon IXUS...
Went to a chinese restaurant for dinner opposite our hotel... half decent so i wun complain...after that went to check out Ikebukuro... interesting place with lots of drinking places n pachincos (casinos)... it was a friday evening n u could see hordes of japanese men drinking their sorrows away... walked into this shop selling basic ammenities n found really cool make up stuff like a eye brow shaper in a Y shape. There was a lady who was busking in a square nearby... she sounded really back into the hotel near midnite n the roads were still filled with ppl & neon lights...
Day Three: Mt Fuji
Worst day of my entire Japan trip.... spent almost the entire day on the bus... think my butt must have grown an inch at least from all that sitting....we were caught in traffic enroute from Tokyo to Mt Fuji, what should been a 2 hour drive, turned out to be 6 hour trip... the jam was so bad that the bus was hardly moving so some of the aunties on the bus who couldn't hold their piss in well actually managed to cajole the bus driver to give up his trash bin so that they could pee at the back of the bus... crude i know but i just had to write it as it didn't help that i was sitting at the back where the aircon was spoilt n had to smell their piss.... cuz the journey took longer than expected, the trip to Owakudani Valley was cancelled... was so looking forward to see gushing sulfurous steam from the ground.... we headed to mt fuji straight after we emerged from the massive jam but the weather was bad at we could only see half of Mt Fuji from afar... fortunately we were able to see it's peak after the driver drove us up to the 5th stop of the mountain... as it was a saturday, there were tons of ppl walking up the mountain with a stick... nice place though... as for mt fuji... it was alrite i guess... the alps n mountains in austria & leichtenstein were more impressive....
After that, we headed back to Hakone for dinner and then to a factory outlet at Gotemba... super super huge with lots of gd brands but they were all at least 2 or 3 seasons behind and the prices weren't exactly that attractive so i only got this interesting straw hat n nothing else... amazing ehz? (i'm saving my money for the US shopping outlet... hee hee... heading out to Desert Hills Shopping Outlet at Palm Springs on Tues... can't wait!!!!)
As there were malaysians who were gonna take JAL from Hanade Airport to LA on our bus, we had to drop them off in Tokyo before heading back to our hotel in Narita... n guess what... another traffic jam, so by the time who got back to our hotel it was 130am!
The bad karma didn't stop there.... wanted to take off my contact lenses in the bus on the way back but couldn't locate my glasses... searched high n low for it as i rememberd transfering it to my backpack from my sling bag... got the tourguide to call the hotel to check n it was there.... so i had to make the decision of saying bye bye to it or head down to tokyo early in the morning to get it before I fly off to LA as the travel agency said it will only pick it up after I leave and I'll only get it in a month's time when their tour guides next stop by in Singapore, couldn't do courier service as it was a sunday.... when i told them i'll get it myself ...they kept discouraging me saying that I can't do it as i'm just a gal....
Day Four: Tokyo / Narita
Wanting to prove my worth (& it was my fault any way... really can't recall how it happened... it's the first time such things have happened to me as i'm usually very very careful with my luggage) ... I woke up at 6am, had a quick breakfast n told my mum i was taking off to tokyo... armed with instructions from the hotel concierge i managed to find my way to the train station, get a ticket, get on a train n then walk to the hotel in 1h 20min ... all thanks to my trusty Lonely Planet. Wanted to head down to Harajuku originally as I heard it was a hip n happening place on a sunday but since it was still early i walked around Ikebukuro again... explored a bit further this time so I managed to see the 2nd toyota showroom, sunshine city, sanrio store, parco + many more shopping malls... got really carried away by the shopping malls so I didn't make it to Harajuku in the end (nvm... that means i'll be back!) ... found the much touted Burberry Blue Label store n got myself a bag & a wallet (SM i got ur hp chains!!! saw some really cool Vivienne Westwood bags as well but they were all oddly shaped n not in the fabric u wanted so i didn't get any for u...paiseh...) Went to the supermkt after that n got myself green tea-red bean pancakes and tako pochi balls... yummy....
Then the horror started...japan's railway system is the messiest i've seen in my life man... having backpacked across many countries in europe i've never seen any this confusing b4.... so many lines & so many entrances.... firstly I got off at the wrong stop to change trains... was suppose to stop at Nippori but got off one stop earlier at Nishi-Nippori... when i finally got to the right station, i boarded the slow train instead of the limited express train... boy my heart was beating like crazy while the train crawled through each n every station on the line... finally got to a large station at Aota n hopped off the train. I was running very very late at that time.. .was suppose to be back at the hotel at 3.15pm but I wasn't even at the halfway pt at 2.50pm...fortunately i met this kind lady with 3 kids at the station. I asked if i could borrow her fone n she agreed instantly without asking what for... but her battery ran out so she ran off to look for her husband at another corner who was carrying a child... they both ran towards me so i could quickly make a call to my tour guide before the express train comes...they r really angels man.... bless them..... I think they must have guessed why I borrowed their they even redialled the no. later to find out if i managed to get to my hotel safely n in time... such sweet ppl.... thank you very much! Got back to the hotel at about 4pm and boarded the shuttle bus with the tour guide to meet the rest of the group who left at 330pm... was just in time to check in with my mum n bro as it was their turn next in the queue. Last few hours were spent loitering around the hotel, buying stuff from UNIQLO (i'm impressed that they sell kimonos rough material though....) n the small shops ard.. got myself my fav pocky in interesting flavours: Mixed Fruit & For Men (Bitter chocolate).... pocky was my favourite-- and still is one of my favourite snacks---as a child, if u have a chance to see my childhood pictures, u'll catch me with a pack about 80% of the time... hee hee (okie... next lian wu zhi i write will be on pocky is after i complete the one about my infamous dog....)
Well... that's the end of my 4 full days in japan... nothing very exciting isn't it?All in all it's been a hell of a trip the last couple of days...remind me never ever to go on a packaged seems that I travel for miles everyday and just get a glimpse of things before I get hurried off somewhere else...Hopefully this LA trip will be different... right... gotta go... need to wake up real early 2moro...
Catch u guys later! Hope this long post made up for my absence =)
Now for the long awaited rundown of my Japan trip: Warning.... LONG POST!
Let's see...
Day One in Japan: Kinugawa
Very first place I went was the Nikko Samurai Village... honestly it was a joke .... reminds me of the old Tang Dynasty City I went in Singapore as a child...fortunately the teppanyaki lunch kinda made up for it...
Next up was Kegon Falls (one of Japan's biggest waterfalls), Lake Chuzenji and the Irohazaka road known as the Zig-zag driveway... i must really take my hat off to our bus driver... the turns were really sharp n imagine having to manouvere a long bus through... boy.... would love to test drive on such tracks though... would be fun...
In the evening, we stayed in a resort hotel in Kinugawa... although the hotel & room was pretty old & run down but I got to stay in this amazing traditional japanese room!!!! I even slept on a tatami... best of all... it comes with it's very own public bath (wen1 quan2)... was pretty hesistant initially about walking about in my birthday suit but once I got into the open air bath, I'm glad i plucked up the courage.
Day Two: Tokyo
We headed down to tokyo early in the morning... stopped at Asakysa & Nakamise Street first... interesting shopping street with loads of souvenirs & food... too bad i didn't have time to check out this nearby street which sells rubber food (i'm just super amazed by the rubber food displays that almost every restaurant in japan has... esp the ones with the chopsticks holding up the ramen in midair... simply unbelievable)
After which, we headed to Odaiba and passed by the Rainbow bridge... hmm nothing very spectacular... oh n u wun believe it... the tour guide actually arranged for us to have italian food for lunch... Italian food in Japan?!?! it just doesn't taste anywhere near.... more of a half way pt btw italian n jap food... just imagine jap rice used to cook risotto... ewww....)
But I was truly impressed by the next stop & spent over an hour there... the Toyota Showcase at Odaiba Waterfront... very interesting... they have the full range of toyotas in there n lexus... super duper chio sport cars... futuristic display models, f1 cars, the full range of hybrid cars n u can even test drive their mini hybrid car within the building itself... too bad the queue was too long n i didn't have time or i would have gone for it...
Next up was supposed to be Ginza and I was totally looking for it but my group consists mainly of aunties n they aren't appreciative of the sony gallery, shiseido gallery n the interesting upmarket malls so they insisted we give it a miss ... after we got off the bus!... So we actually got off, walked for 100m while they complained nonstop to the tourguide and the tour guide had to get the bus to turn back n pick us up again.... argghhhh.....
The tourguide then arranged for us to check out the shops at Shinjuku but we were caught in this big traffic jam for about an hour ... must say the underground malls r really impressive...tons of stuff & all the better as they're having their summer sale now.... bought 2 dresses ;p Checked out the camera shops above ground as well... prices weren't as competitive as I thought it would be so i didn't manage to get a new camera (tt means more money for my shopping)... was planning to get a Lumix or a Canon IXUS...
Went to a chinese restaurant for dinner opposite our hotel... half decent so i wun complain...after that went to check out Ikebukuro... interesting place with lots of drinking places n pachincos (casinos)... it was a friday evening n u could see hordes of japanese men drinking their sorrows away... walked into this shop selling basic ammenities n found really cool make up stuff like a eye brow shaper in a Y shape. There was a lady who was busking in a square nearby... she sounded really back into the hotel near midnite n the roads were still filled with ppl & neon lights...
Day Three: Mt Fuji
Worst day of my entire Japan trip.... spent almost the entire day on the bus... think my butt must have grown an inch at least from all that sitting....we were caught in traffic enroute from Tokyo to Mt Fuji, what should been a 2 hour drive, turned out to be 6 hour trip... the jam was so bad that the bus was hardly moving so some of the aunties on the bus who couldn't hold their piss in well actually managed to cajole the bus driver to give up his trash bin so that they could pee at the back of the bus... crude i know but i just had to write it as it didn't help that i was sitting at the back where the aircon was spoilt n had to smell their piss.... cuz the journey took longer than expected, the trip to Owakudani Valley was cancelled... was so looking forward to see gushing sulfurous steam from the ground.... we headed to mt fuji straight after we emerged from the massive jam but the weather was bad at we could only see half of Mt Fuji from afar... fortunately we were able to see it's peak after the driver drove us up to the 5th stop of the mountain... as it was a saturday, there were tons of ppl walking up the mountain with a stick... nice place though... as for mt fuji... it was alrite i guess... the alps n mountains in austria & leichtenstein were more impressive....
After that, we headed back to Hakone for dinner and then to a factory outlet at Gotemba... super super huge with lots of gd brands but they were all at least 2 or 3 seasons behind and the prices weren't exactly that attractive so i only got this interesting straw hat n nothing else... amazing ehz? (i'm saving my money for the US shopping outlet... hee hee... heading out to Desert Hills Shopping Outlet at Palm Springs on Tues... can't wait!!!!)
As there were malaysians who were gonna take JAL from Hanade Airport to LA on our bus, we had to drop them off in Tokyo before heading back to our hotel in Narita... n guess what... another traffic jam, so by the time who got back to our hotel it was 130am!
The bad karma didn't stop there.... wanted to take off my contact lenses in the bus on the way back but couldn't locate my glasses... searched high n low for it as i rememberd transfering it to my backpack from my sling bag... got the tourguide to call the hotel to check n it was there.... so i had to make the decision of saying bye bye to it or head down to tokyo early in the morning to get it before I fly off to LA as the travel agency said it will only pick it up after I leave and I'll only get it in a month's time when their tour guides next stop by in Singapore, couldn't do courier service as it was a sunday.... when i told them i'll get it myself ...they kept discouraging me saying that I can't do it as i'm just a gal....
Day Four: Tokyo / Narita
Wanting to prove my worth (& it was my fault any way... really can't recall how it happened... it's the first time such things have happened to me as i'm usually very very careful with my luggage) ... I woke up at 6am, had a quick breakfast n told my mum i was taking off to tokyo... armed with instructions from the hotel concierge i managed to find my way to the train station, get a ticket, get on a train n then walk to the hotel in 1h 20min ... all thanks to my trusty Lonely Planet. Wanted to head down to Harajuku originally as I heard it was a hip n happening place on a sunday but since it was still early i walked around Ikebukuro again... explored a bit further this time so I managed to see the 2nd toyota showroom, sunshine city, sanrio store, parco + many more shopping malls... got really carried away by the shopping malls so I didn't make it to Harajuku in the end (nvm... that means i'll be back!) ... found the much touted Burberry Blue Label store n got myself a bag & a wallet (SM i got ur hp chains!!! saw some really cool Vivienne Westwood bags as well but they were all oddly shaped n not in the fabric u wanted so i didn't get any for u...paiseh...) Went to the supermkt after that n got myself green tea-red bean pancakes and tako pochi balls... yummy....
Then the horror started...japan's railway system is the messiest i've seen in my life man... having backpacked across many countries in europe i've never seen any this confusing b4.... so many lines & so many entrances.... firstly I got off at the wrong stop to change trains... was suppose to stop at Nippori but got off one stop earlier at Nishi-Nippori... when i finally got to the right station, i boarded the slow train instead of the limited express train... boy my heart was beating like crazy while the train crawled through each n every station on the line... finally got to a large station at Aota n hopped off the train. I was running very very late at that time.. .was suppose to be back at the hotel at 3.15pm but I wasn't even at the halfway pt at 2.50pm...fortunately i met this kind lady with 3 kids at the station. I asked if i could borrow her fone n she agreed instantly without asking what for... but her battery ran out so she ran off to look for her husband at another corner who was carrying a child... they both ran towards me so i could quickly make a call to my tour guide before the express train comes...they r really angels man.... bless them..... I think they must have guessed why I borrowed their they even redialled the no. later to find out if i managed to get to my hotel safely n in time... such sweet ppl.... thank you very much! Got back to the hotel at about 4pm and boarded the shuttle bus with the tour guide to meet the rest of the group who left at 330pm... was just in time to check in with my mum n bro as it was their turn next in the queue. Last few hours were spent loitering around the hotel, buying stuff from UNIQLO (i'm impressed that they sell kimonos rough material though....) n the small shops ard.. got myself my fav pocky in interesting flavours: Mixed Fruit & For Men (Bitter chocolate).... pocky was my favourite-- and still is one of my favourite snacks---as a child, if u have a chance to see my childhood pictures, u'll catch me with a pack about 80% of the time... hee hee (okie... next lian wu zhi i write will be on pocky is after i complete the one about my infamous dog....)
Well... that's the end of my 4 full days in japan... nothing very exciting isn't it?All in all it's been a hell of a trip the last couple of days...remind me never ever to go on a packaged seems that I travel for miles everyday and just get a glimpse of things before I get hurried off somewhere else...Hopefully this LA trip will be different... right... gotta go... need to wake up real early 2moro...
Catch u guys later! Hope this long post made up for my absence =)
Saturday, July 15, 2006
hi from tokyo!
Hi everyone, i'm in tokyo now!
Wanted to blog last nite but the internet was down... running off in a couple of seconds for Mt Fuji. That’s the problem with travelling with a tour group... won’t do it ever again....
Will blog when I next get a chance!Don’t miss me too much!!!!
See ya!
Wanted to blog last nite but the internet was down... running off in a couple of seconds for Mt Fuji. That’s the problem with travelling with a tour group... won’t do it ever again....
Will blog when I next get a chance!Don’t miss me too much!!!!
See ya!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Hi from Changi Airport
Hey peeps, missed me yet? At the airport waiting for my flight so I thot i'll drop by for a bit.
Tried the new Absolut Grapefruit at the liquor counter... great liquor if anyone is into drinking :) Apparently not available in town yet, so if u've got frens who mite be coming back into the country, get them to get a bottle for u. Highly recommended.
Somehow it still doesn't seem like i'm going on holiday yet but just glad that i sort of managed to complete the stuff that I needed to clear b4 i go. Thanks to the rest of u, esp YM & Merv who made it possible by helping me out here & there!
Kiez i'm off to buy an adapter now so that I can charge my camera batteries when I get to Tokyo & LA. Catch all of u soon! Will definitely drop by again when i get the chance.
Later guys ;) See ya!
Tried the new Absolut Grapefruit at the liquor counter... great liquor if anyone is into drinking :) Apparently not available in town yet, so if u've got frens who mite be coming back into the country, get them to get a bottle for u. Highly recommended.
Somehow it still doesn't seem like i'm going on holiday yet but just glad that i sort of managed to complete the stuff that I needed to clear b4 i go. Thanks to the rest of u, esp YM & Merv who made it possible by helping me out here & there!
Kiez i'm off to buy an adapter now so that I can charge my camera batteries when I get to Tokyo & LA. Catch all of u soon! Will definitely drop by again when i get the chance.
Later guys ;) See ya!
放假其实只是把接下来需要完成的事carry forward而已,所以你在放假之前要比平日更努力更stress。放假后回来后,还得清一大堆的email等,又要重新调试自己的心理回到work mood。
See all of u in 2 weeks time! 如果有机会的话,我会pop in to say hi :)
放假其实只是把接下来需要完成的事carry forward而已,所以你在放假之前要比平日更努力更stress。放假后回来后,还得清一大堆的email等,又要重新调试自己的心理回到work mood。
See all of u in 2 weeks time! 如果有机会的话,我会pop in to say hi :)
Sunday, July 09, 2006
昨天刚和朋友看了Superman。这真的是一出feel good电影。一整个星期生病+stress+一连串不愉快事件,心情很不漂亮,但看了之后全都消失得无影无踪(hmm.... maybe it's the co. too... if u're reading this ;) Thanks!)。
很想成为Lois Lane。她不单是超棒的记者、有个可爱懂事的孩子、疼爱她的同居,还有对她念念不忘、死心塌地、能为她牺牲一切的超人。
我会去tokyo和LA,any suggestions or advice?尤其是shopping & eating!
很想成为Lois Lane。她不单是超棒的记者、有个可爱懂事的孩子、疼爱她的同居,还有对她念念不忘、死心塌地、能为她牺牲一切的超人。
我会去tokyo和LA,any suggestions or advice?尤其是shopping & eating!

Friday, July 07, 2006
7 July
但还是很清楚地记得一年前的现在,在Bloomberg实习的我正在打电话联络分析师谈伦敦连环大爆炸对英镑和gilts (UK bonds)的影响会有多大,他们或同事有没有困在tube里或死伤,下班后打算怎么回家。
接下来几天也都是步行45分钟旅程上下班、上学、上超级市场、上教堂。后来觉得逃避公共交通工具不是办法,何况我又附了整个月的bus pass。
打的是心理战术,没有遭遇暴风大雨,娇生惯养的新加坡人,相信即使有再多的演习还是会不堪一击。当坏人入侵我们这个comfort zone时,丑恶、自私、怕输的心态肯定必露无疑。最担心的是,伦敦事件发生后巴士上的情况会在新加坡发生,什么multiculturalism的课都会抛出窗外。
我个人认为,问题就出在新加坡人对自己所属的社会缺乏ownership。Social ownership不是周末看到有人在路边筹款,或是电视上播放慈善演出,捐点钱就算是为社会作出贡献。Social ownership需要将心比心,是对社会对周遭的人和事物产生感情所培养出来的归属感。许多新加坡人只知道为求生而奔波,连自己住家或办公室里的邻居是谁都不知道。
但还是很清楚地记得一年前的现在,在Bloomberg实习的我正在打电话联络分析师谈伦敦连环大爆炸对英镑和gilts (UK bonds)的影响会有多大,他们或同事有没有困在tube里或死伤,下班后打算怎么回家。
接下来几天也都是步行45分钟旅程上下班、上学、上超级市场、上教堂。后来觉得逃避公共交通工具不是办法,何况我又附了整个月的bus pass。
打的是心理战术,没有遭遇暴风大雨,娇生惯养的新加坡人,相信即使有再多的演习还是会不堪一击。当坏人入侵我们这个comfort zone时,丑恶、自私、怕输的心态肯定必露无疑。最担心的是,伦敦事件发生后巴士上的情况会在新加坡发生,什么multiculturalism的课都会抛出窗外。
我个人认为,问题就出在新加坡人对自己所属的社会缺乏ownership。Social ownership不是周末看到有人在路边筹款,或是电视上播放慈善演出,捐点钱就算是为社会作出贡献。Social ownership需要将心比心,是对社会对周遭的人和事物产生感情所培养出来的归属感。许多新加坡人只知道为求生而奔波,连自己住家或办公室里的邻居是谁都不知道。
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Prepare for a long long long rant if u wanna read this:
The past week has been pretty rough... starting with the England match....had a group of Portugal fans who were standing behind my chair kicking & shaking my chair till I almost fell off....felt even worse when England lost... After which, an inconsiderate taxi driver chased my fren and I off our called-cab bcuz he wasn't willing to drop my fren off on the way to my place or he'll not make it home in time for the Brazil-France match. Chasing 2 gals off the cab after driving a distance at 2.30am in the morning is just totally unacceptable!
Following day, not sure what I ate for breakfast or lunch on Sunday morning but I had such a bad stomach upset that I couldn't enjoy my weekly dinner with my family.
The start of the week kicked off pretty well as I was able to clear quite a bit of work and then what seemed like it's gonna be a good week started turning sour.
Went for a test drive on Monday & somehow due to my carelessness & ditzyness, I managed to misplace my driving licence somehow... and then yesterday I got ticked off and chased away by someone that I once respected. I was merely trying to play fair with regards to the situation mind u if u or ur counterparts are reading this. I could have gone ahead with the article without consulting you at all if I was what you deemed me as.
Finally today. Woke up feeling a bit queasy... thought i'll be fine later on as I started real early today trying hard to clear work before I leave for my holiday next week. Thought i'll get better after lunch but I just sank deeper and started to see lights flashing and my head spinning round in circles.
Went upstairs to see the doctor and she asked if I watched soccer & didn't have enough sleep. When I left the clinic and bumped into my 2 ex-bosses, they too asked the same thing!!!! To set the record straight......I didn't stay up to watch soccer!!! Decided that there's no point in watching it anymore since my fav England is out and now that matches are played at an unearthly hour of 3am Singapore time. I value my sleep more....
Okiez think I've gotten everything out of my system... time to get back to finish up my immediate work and go home for some rest. Tomorrow is gonna be a better day. Fingers x.
The past week has been pretty rough... starting with the England match....had a group of Portugal fans who were standing behind my chair kicking & shaking my chair till I almost fell off....felt even worse when England lost... After which, an inconsiderate taxi driver chased my fren and I off our called-cab bcuz he wasn't willing to drop my fren off on the way to my place or he'll not make it home in time for the Brazil-France match. Chasing 2 gals off the cab after driving a distance at 2.30am in the morning is just totally unacceptable!
Following day, not sure what I ate for breakfast or lunch on Sunday morning but I had such a bad stomach upset that I couldn't enjoy my weekly dinner with my family.
The start of the week kicked off pretty well as I was able to clear quite a bit of work and then what seemed like it's gonna be a good week started turning sour.
Went for a test drive on Monday & somehow due to my carelessness & ditzyness, I managed to misplace my driving licence somehow... and then yesterday I got ticked off and chased away by someone that I once respected. I was merely trying to play fair with regards to the situation mind u if u or ur counterparts are reading this. I could have gone ahead with the article without consulting you at all if I was what you deemed me as.
Finally today. Woke up feeling a bit queasy... thought i'll be fine later on as I started real early today trying hard to clear work before I leave for my holiday next week. Thought i'll get better after lunch but I just sank deeper and started to see lights flashing and my head spinning round in circles.
Went upstairs to see the doctor and she asked if I watched soccer & didn't have enough sleep. When I left the clinic and bumped into my 2 ex-bosses, they too asked the same thing!!!! To set the record straight......I didn't stay up to watch soccer!!! Decided that there's no point in watching it anymore since my fav England is out and now that matches are played at an unearthly hour of 3am Singapore time. I value my sleep more....
Okiez think I've gotten everything out of my system... time to get back to finish up my immediate work and go home for some rest. Tomorrow is gonna be a better day. Fingers x.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
+659750xxxx: 致《我报》记者李韵琳:你说每当政府或任何机构政策或措施时,很多人都会Complain,只是all talk no action?想请问你,国民能take什么action?有那些大团或机构体可以为人民讨个公道的?还有,你说如真的要抗议德士车资起价,那就下定决心该搭巴士或地铁。再请问你,如果巴士与地铁再起价呢?那国民是不是要改骑脚车或途步来表示抗议?《圆圆》
+659750xxxx: 致《我报》记者李韵琳:你说每当政府或任何机构政策或措施时,很多人都会Complain,只是all talk no action?想请问你,国民能take什么action?有那些大团或机构体可以为人民讨个公道的?还有,你说如真的要抗议德士车资起价,那就下定决心该搭巴士或地铁。再请问你,如果巴士与地铁再起价呢?那国民是不是要改骑脚车或途步来表示抗议?《圆圆》
Hopeless with Birthdays...
Sighz...I'm totally hopeless with Birthdays. It's the second time in a month that a fren has to sms/call me to remind me that it's another fren's birthday. Unlike what some people think, I believe Birthdays are special and should be celebrated with a big bang and I'll be really upset if ppl forget my bdae but I'm just totally hopeless when it comes to remembering dates. An ex-boyfriend used to get really angry with me for forgetting our anniversary but it's really not intentional.
Ok, I must admit, sometimes my work does take over my life and that I do not have a very good memory in general (Ppl i've met, pls don't kill me or get offended if I were to walk pass without saying hi... I genuinely can't remember!!!!). Besides my immediate family's birthdays and a few frens' (can count with 1 hand) ... the rest I really can't recall. I've tried writing them down before but after a while they end up everywhere, one book here, another there that I don't actually keep track.
Hmm... maybe I really should keep a notebook just for birthdays of close frens/colleagues/ family...i've tried the online birthday alarm in case u wanna suggest that to me but not many people subscribe to it so I gave up...
Enough of rambling....Happy Birthday Zwen! See you & the rest on Sunday!
Ok, I must admit, sometimes my work does take over my life and that I do not have a very good memory in general (Ppl i've met, pls don't kill me or get offended if I were to walk pass without saying hi... I genuinely can't remember!!!!). Besides my immediate family's birthdays and a few frens' (can count with 1 hand) ... the rest I really can't recall. I've tried writing them down before but after a while they end up everywhere, one book here, another there that I don't actually keep track.
Hmm... maybe I really should keep a notebook just for birthdays of close frens/colleagues/ family...i've tried the online birthday alarm in case u wanna suggest that to me but not many people subscribe to it so I gave up...
Enough of rambling....Happy Birthday Zwen! See you & the rest on Sunday!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
How much is too much?

I'm usually not a fan of flats (... love 3 inch heels to bits....) but aren't they pretty? But the above Pedro Garcia Isaura Ballet Flat with Crystal Chain comes with a price tag of US$426.00.
When buying stuff that you like how much is too much really? Does quality & style come first or your psychological price barrier?
Probably the latter for me.....
在本地,每当政府或任何机构改变政策或措施,开始的时候都会有很多人会complain。可是,到头来都只是all talk no action。过了几个星期,即使是当初最强力反对的人也会开始resign to their fate,默默忍受,渐渐学习去习惯,然后变得理所当然。
人们总是希望能在新加坡看到改变和进步,可是这是需要有推动力和实际行动的,三言两语是不足以move a mountain,即使move a sandhill也寸步难移。
在本地,每当政府或任何机构改变政策或措施,开始的时候都会有很多人会complain。可是,到头来都只是all talk no action。过了几个星期,即使是当初最强力反对的人也会开始resign to their fate,默默忍受,渐渐学习去习惯,然后变得理所当然。
人们总是希望能在新加坡看到改变和进步,可是这是需要有推动力和实际行动的,三言两语是不足以move a mountain,即使move a sandhill也寸步难移。
Friday, June 30, 2006
入行半年多来,托YM的福有得去test drive不同的车,时不时都会有买车的念头。几个月前听说中国车将进口到我国,而且价格低廉,所以对昨天的media launch满心期待。
不谈Vertex为何想避开QQ的china roots不谈(Made in china的image是跳进黄河也洗不清的。刻意回避反而让人开始想它们是否有意想掩饰些什么...),3万多的车价是蛮诱人,有冲动想把它买回家,但坐在车里的那片刻,想象自己在公路上行驶就开始有些迟疑。

入行半年多来,托YM的福有得去test drive不同的车,时不时都会有买车的念头。几个月前听说中国车将进口到我国,而且价格低廉,所以对昨天的media launch满心期待。
不谈Vertex为何想避开QQ的china roots不谈(Made in china的image是跳进黄河也洗不清的。刻意回避反而让人开始想它们是否有意想掩饰些什么...),3万多的车价是蛮诱人,有冲动想把它买回家,但坐在车里的那片刻,想象自己在公路上行驶就开始有些迟疑。

Thursday, June 29, 2006
Perfect Wedding Dress & Dresses...
Found my perfect wedding dress & the complementary cocktail dress/ROM dress/dinner dress!!!!
I need to lose weight, grow taller & get someone to marry me....& unfortunately, all of it doesn't seem possible =p

Wedding Dress =)

cocktail dress/ROM dress/dinner dress
Enough of daydreaming... back to reality:
Totally into dresses @ the moment & it doesn't help that I'm working on it for next week's fashion page....
Found this while researching on the web!
Great vintage looking dresses for dirt cheap prices IMO:

Of which, my fav dress is this:

I'm beyond hope... hee hee...
I need to lose weight, grow taller & get someone to marry me....& unfortunately, all of it doesn't seem possible =p
Wedding Dress =)
cocktail dress/ROM dress/dinner dress
Enough of daydreaming... back to reality:
Totally into dresses @ the moment & it doesn't help that I'm working on it for next week's fashion page....
Found this while researching on the web!
Great vintage looking dresses for dirt cheap prices IMO:
Of which, my fav dress is this:
I'm beyond hope... hee hee...
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Pasar Malam
报馆对面的pasar malam今天开业了。下午WJ就打来问要不要从那里打包午餐进来。晚上我们几个更难得忙里偷闲到那里去买晚餐,换个地方和口味。
非常喜欢pasar malam,因为可以吃到妈妈在家里不准我吃的台湾香肠,还有牛油味香浓的corn in a cup和ultra sinful的Ramly Burger。更重要的,在办公室里困了一整天,下去走一圈,透一透气,回到座位感觉轻松多了,更有精神坚持久一点。
尽管每个pasar malam卖的东西大同小异,不是零食就是枕头、睡衣、玩具等,自己大多时候除了零食也没打算买些其他的东西,但每回看到家里附近搭起帐篷,都会心跳加速,欣喜若狂。
除了勾起小时候和妈妈弟弟在晚餐后逛pasar malam的童年记忆,它也让我找回Johor 108档和泰国路边摊的度假休闲感觉。还有,每当组屋楼下有pasar malam时,平日闭门不见人影的左邻右舍也会突然出现,让我有机会看看他们的庐山真面目。
帆布搭起的帐篷不管是外观或里头卖的东西虽然与现代化的新加坡有些格格不入,但在夜生活有些单调的新加坡,却增添了些许亲切纯朴的communal living色彩。
非常喜欢pasar malam,因为可以吃到妈妈在家里不准我吃的台湾香肠,还有牛油味香浓的corn in a cup和ultra sinful的Ramly Burger。更重要的,在办公室里困了一整天,下去走一圈,透一透气,回到座位感觉轻松多了,更有精神坚持久一点。
尽管每个pasar malam卖的东西大同小异,不是零食就是枕头、睡衣、玩具等,自己大多时候除了零食也没打算买些其他的东西,但每回看到家里附近搭起帐篷,都会心跳加速,欣喜若狂。
除了勾起小时候和妈妈弟弟在晚餐后逛pasar malam的童年记忆,它也让我找回Johor 108档和泰国路边摊的度假休闲感觉。还有,每当组屋楼下有pasar malam时,平日闭门不见人影的左邻右舍也会突然出现,让我有机会看看他们的庐山真面目。
帆布搭起的帐篷不管是外观或里头卖的东西虽然与现代化的新加坡有些格格不入,但在夜生活有些单调的新加坡,却增添了些许亲切纯朴的communal living色彩。
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
新加坡的Canary wharf
除了有幸能踏上Jurong Island,见识见识Rochester Park长得什么样之外,还让我在这个小岛上找回伦敦的影子。
新加坡有伦敦的影子?是的。就在Buona Vista地铁站附近one north里的Biopolis。
这里的建筑依山丘而建,建筑形状不规则,建筑与建筑之间的距离很小,还有空中走道(sky bridge)衔接,马路铺的是cobbled stones,open space则有浅浅的小溪穿流和青翠的green spaces。坐在装潢前卫的餐厅里,望着外头的alfresco dining区,仿佛自己又回到一年前在为London 2012工作时,于伦敦Canary Wharf工作用餐的时光。
Canary Wharf位于River Thames南部的docklands新开发区,由英国著名建筑师Norman Foster设计。那里未经修饰的粗犷石灰配上钢铁和玻璃,有一种后现代风格的工业感,好像建筑师有意为我们示范未来世界的模样。
虽然Biopolis并非出自Norman Foster这位名家之手,但这里矗立的7个建筑物充分显现深受器械时代的影响,使用了大量的钢铁和玻璃,营造了与Canary Wharf同样的一种高科技的未来感。

Biopolis @ onenorth
除了有幸能踏上Jurong Island,见识见识Rochester Park长得什么样之外,还让我在这个小岛上找回伦敦的影子。
新加坡有伦敦的影子?是的。就在Buona Vista地铁站附近one north里的Biopolis。
这里的建筑依山丘而建,建筑形状不规则,建筑与建筑之间的距离很小,还有空中走道(sky bridge)衔接,马路铺的是cobbled stones,open space则有浅浅的小溪穿流和青翠的green spaces。坐在装潢前卫的餐厅里,望着外头的alfresco dining区,仿佛自己又回到一年前在为London 2012工作时,于伦敦Canary Wharf工作用餐的时光。
Canary Wharf位于River Thames南部的docklands新开发区,由英国著名建筑师Norman Foster设计。那里未经修饰的粗犷石灰配上钢铁和玻璃,有一种后现代风格的工业感,好像建筑师有意为我们示范未来世界的模样。
虽然Biopolis并非出自Norman Foster这位名家之手,但这里矗立的7个建筑物充分显现深受器械时代的影响,使用了大量的钢铁和玻璃,营造了与Canary Wharf同样的一种高科技的未来感。

Biopolis @ onenorth
Monday, June 26, 2006
Monday Blues...
以前总是埋怨别人周末休假但我还需要回到公司来上班,多渴望自己能在周末休假,与其他朋友的假日相同,可以多出去见见他们,而且从星期五就开始holiday mood一路到星期天晚上,感觉休息的时间好像长一点。过去的休假总会在4pm结束,因为要在那个时候打电话回去公司问隔天的工作,也就从那一刻开始为明天做准备。
来到《我报》,几个星期下来却开始嫌弃没有其他媒体人有的privilege。周末去逛街、吃饭总是人挤人,要到银行或到政府机构办点事那里却没人上班。还有,因为周末从星期五晚上开始,出去的次数比过去多,花的钱也跟着增加,人也比过去累。所以到了星期一,就会有一般上班族的Monday Blues。
人生中有许多事有一好没有两好,只要能给自己时间和机会去适应,从中欣赏和爱惜它的好,简单的满足就会使这个世界成为一个better place。
唉,Monday Blues是美丽的烦恼。
以前总是埋怨别人周末休假但我还需要回到公司来上班,多渴望自己能在周末休假,与其他朋友的假日相同,可以多出去见见他们,而且从星期五就开始holiday mood一路到星期天晚上,感觉休息的时间好像长一点。过去的休假总会在4pm结束,因为要在那个时候打电话回去公司问隔天的工作,也就从那一刻开始为明天做准备。
来到《我报》,几个星期下来却开始嫌弃没有其他媒体人有的privilege。周末去逛街、吃饭总是人挤人,要到银行或到政府机构办点事那里却没人上班。还有,因为周末从星期五晚上开始,出去的次数比过去多,花的钱也跟着增加,人也比过去累。所以到了星期一,就会有一般上班族的Monday Blues。
人生中有许多事有一好没有两好,只要能给自己时间和机会去适应,从中欣赏和爱惜它的好,简单的满足就会使这个世界成为一个better place。
唉,Monday Blues是美丽的烦恼。
Friday, June 23, 2006
无聊的post,轻轻松松结束忙碌的一个星期。Thank God it's Friday =)
无聊的post,轻轻松松结束忙碌的一个星期。Thank God it's Friday =)
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Al Jazeera
Heard that a uni classmate of mine is currently working at the Al Jazeera London Bureau... WOW... wonder how that feels... would probably be more intense if she was there at the height of the beheadings about a year or 2 ago...gee...
Comparatively, what I'm doing here is child's play man...
Comparatively, what I'm doing here is child's play man...
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Dear Mr Chia...
Dear Mr. Chia,
希望明天将刊登的新闻不会带给你太大的困扰。Just like to say, there are many people out there who still care a lot about you. 希望你这次的休息是为了在以后能够走更远的路。
Take care & Don't forget to sign my book as you promised when we next meet!
Dear Mr. Chia,
希望明天将刊登的新闻不会带给你太大的困扰。Just like to say, there are many people out there who still care a lot about you. 希望你这次的休息是为了在以后能够走更远的路。
Take care & Don't forget to sign my book as you promised when we next meet!
On Da Vinci & Colours...
Currently working on a piece on Adidas for this Fri's fashion column & came across this quote by the master Leonardo Da Vinci used on the adicolor adverts:
“For those colours which you wish to be beautiful, always first prepare a pure white ground.”
Reflecting on it, 人生不也是如此吗?
一个洁白的canvas有无限的possibilities, 任由上色者创造自己的一片天空。人也一样,如果没有包袱,一身清,不必介意他人的期盼,可以自由发挥,给人耳目一新的感觉。要在一个已经被涂上颜色的canvas或背景复杂上的人创造出惊艳,就无法那么做了。
Was into art at some point during secondary school and came across "The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci". In it there was a section on the reflection of colours with 2 perspectives by the master:
Every object devoid of colour in itself is more or less tinged by the colour [of the object] placed opposite. This may be seen by experience, inasmuch as any object which mirrors another assumes the colour of the object mirrored in it. And if the surface thus partially coloured is white the portion which has a red reflection will appear red, or any other colour, whether bright or dark.
Every opaque and colourless body assumes the hue of the colour reflected on it; as happens with a white wall.
无奈的,即使一个人希望做个blank canvas,力保个人的纯洁纯真,还是会被周遭环境所影响或牵连。虽然说人贵自重,要出淤泥而不染却不是一个人的事。正如工作、结婚等也往往无法依据个人的选择或决定。
“For those colours which you wish to be beautiful, always first prepare a pure white ground.”
Reflecting on it, 人生不也是如此吗?
一个洁白的canvas有无限的possibilities, 任由上色者创造自己的一片天空。人也一样,如果没有包袱,一身清,不必介意他人的期盼,可以自由发挥,给人耳目一新的感觉。要在一个已经被涂上颜色的canvas或背景复杂上的人创造出惊艳,就无法那么做了。
Was into art at some point during secondary school and came across "The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci". In it there was a section on the reflection of colours with 2 perspectives by the master:
Every object devoid of colour in itself is more or less tinged by the colour [of the object] placed opposite. This may be seen by experience, inasmuch as any object which mirrors another assumes the colour of the object mirrored in it. And if the surface thus partially coloured is white the portion which has a red reflection will appear red, or any other colour, whether bright or dark.
Every opaque and colourless body assumes the hue of the colour reflected on it; as happens with a white wall.
无奈的,即使一个人希望做个blank canvas,力保个人的纯洁纯真,还是会被周遭环境所影响或牵连。虽然说人贵自重,要出淤泥而不染却不是一个人的事。正如工作、结婚等也往往无法依据个人的选择或决定。
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
After today, I can vulge that it's not fun at all trying to write a food review when you're feeling sick and having diarrheoa.
Don't get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with the food, in fact it was superb... best chawanmushi i ever had in my life... just that the thought of food just made things worse...
I can only blame myself for it, having had a crazy weekend.... craziest i had in months and definitely one of the best sessions i've had... but not a gd idea to mix beer with liquor (mental note for future weekends....)
Best memory of the night was going to 7 eleven to get a bottle of sminorff & coke/sprite/miranda orange and stood around outside after that to mix our own drinks b4 heading to MOS. I know it's cheapskate but it brings back great memories of London , especially the stash I had in my room....
Had a great weekend with a bunch of really nice frens from uni... so sad that they'll all be heading back to London in early July to work.... gonna miss them...oh well... guess the least I can do now is to treasure their company while they're around... looking forward to Saturday again!
My Sat :)

... but first I need to get quite a few articles out of the way......must stop procrastinating.......
Don't get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with the food, in fact it was superb... best chawanmushi i ever had in my life... just that the thought of food just made things worse...
I can only blame myself for it, having had a crazy weekend.... craziest i had in months and definitely one of the best sessions i've had... but not a gd idea to mix beer with liquor (mental note for future weekends....)
Best memory of the night was going to 7 eleven to get a bottle of sminorff & coke/sprite/miranda orange and stood around outside after that to mix our own drinks b4 heading to MOS. I know it's cheapskate but it brings back great memories of London , especially the stash I had in my room....
Had a great weekend with a bunch of really nice frens from uni... so sad that they'll all be heading back to London in early July to work.... gonna miss them...oh well... guess the least I can do now is to treasure their company while they're around... looking forward to Saturday again!
My Sat :)

... but first I need to get quite a few articles out of the way......must stop procrastinating.......
Monday, June 19, 2006
可是,我始终觉得a crush should always remain a crush. When fantasy becomes reality, it loses its magic。尽管我现在没有意思和他交往,但如果把当初的事和目前复杂的心情说出来,可能连朋友都没得做。
可是,我始终觉得a crush should always remain a crush. When fantasy becomes reality, it loses its magic。尽管我现在没有意思和他交往,但如果把当初的事和目前复杂的心情说出来,可能连朋友都没得做。
Sunday, June 18, 2006
看到朋友的MSN nick上写了这么样的一句歌词:我的心挣脱了爱,跟随着夕阳迈进了海洋。
The more you hang on, the worse it gets and gradually you'll start losing yourself.
《我要快乐》 - 张惠妹
The more you hang on, the worse it gets and gradually you'll start losing yourself.
《我要快乐》 - 张惠妹
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