~*my fairy tale*~

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

On Da Vinci & Colours...

  Currently working on a piece on Adidas for this Fri's fashion column & came across this quote by the master Leonardo Da Vinci used on the adicolor adverts:
  “For those colours which you wish to be beautiful, always first prepare a pure white ground.”

  Reflecting on it, 人生不也是如此吗?
  一个洁白的canvas有无限的possibilities, 任由上色者创造自己的一片天空。人也一样,如果没有包袱,一身清,不必介意他人的期盼,可以自由发挥,给人耳目一新的感觉。要在一个已经被涂上颜色的canvas或背景复杂上的人创造出惊艳,就无法那么做了。

  Was into art at some point during secondary school and came across "The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci". In it there was a section on the reflection of colours with 2 perspectives by the master:


Every object devoid of colour in itself is more or less tinged by the colour [of the object] placed opposite. This may be seen by experience, inasmuch as any object which mirrors another assumes the colour of the object mirrored in it. And if the surface thus partially coloured is white the portion which has a red reflection will appear red, or any other colour, whether bright or dark.


Every opaque and colourless body assumes the hue of the colour reflected on it; as happens with a white wall.

  无奈的,即使一个人希望做个blank canvas,力保个人的纯洁纯真,还是会被周遭环境所影响或牵连。虽然说人贵自重,要出淤泥而不染却不是一个人的事。正如工作、结婚等也往往无法依据个人的选择或决定。


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