Met up with different groups of friends over the weekend and somehow we ended up with the same conversation topic - The Perfect Guy.
Most of my friends have a long list of criterias that they'll like their prospective boyfriend to fulfill for eg. taller, good looking, must be a christian, family-oriented, good career etc.
When I was younger, I also had a list of my own. Can't quite recall what the items on my list were but I do remember that it changes quite often. Looking back, I don't think the people I went out with actually met all or most of my criterias. That probably explains why I don't have a list now and don't think i'll ever come up with another one.
On the topic of the perfect guy, I can't help but question: Is there such a thing as a perfect guy in this world? Does ticking all your boxes make a guy perfect for you? Will a person that you think is perfect for you now, be forever perfect in your eyes?
Getting a boyfriend/future husband is not like buying a computer where you look out for the specifications that suit your needs at that moment in time and can choose to upgrade after a few years of usage or when he becomes outdated.
One's needs change over time and once you embark on a relationship, it isn't fair to dump the other half after a few months or years if one is sick of them or that another person is able to tick more boxes at that point of time.
Although I've always dreamt of being in a love-at-first sight-and-happy-ever-after relationship but I prefer to get to know the guy better before taking the plunge.To me, even if the guy doesn't fit the bill very well but if we get on well and are good companions for each other, it doesn't make him any less perfect. Besides, no one is perfect in this world, so why look out for that perfect someone?
Let nature take its course.