这名朋友是香港名模,丈夫来自香港豪门,婚礼被誉为香港世纪婚礼,简直就是现代Cinderella story。
在LSE念硕士的时候,我们四女一男属于同一个study group。我们开始并不知道她的身份,只觉得她好漂亮。后来从其他同学知道后,也没有向她证实,觉得没有必要。
她虽然是明星级人物,穿戴名牌上学,有个有钱有势的男友,但一点架子都没有,也没有要求我们给予她什么特别待遇。Study notes做得好完整。还记得考试前,我曾经到她家与她温习statistics。当时她的妈妈专程从香港飞到伦敦来照顾她,煮了好多好好吃的东西给我们,现在记起来都会流口水。
Friday, December 15, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I want a teddy bear...
Been wanting a big, brown, soft teddy bear for the last couple of weeks...actually anything I can hug when I feel lonely and a punching bag when I feel frustrated...
This is something I'm sure my mum will never approve of considering I've got so many stuff toys lying around at home already...guess it's Christmas n i've been seeing lots of cuddly bears everywhere I go :(
This is something I'm sure my mum will never approve of considering I've got so many stuff toys lying around at home already...guess it's Christmas n i've been seeing lots of cuddly bears everywhere I go :(
Monday, December 11, 2006
1. 千万不要为了所谓的浪漫,去光顾西餐店(包括咖啡屋等等),他们早就准备好了磨得噌亮的大刀,等待能够痛宰你一刀!要想享受烛光晚餐的惬意,可以买原材料在家里做嘛,要是非要有摇曳多姿的烛光,也可以去买一个漂亮的烛台啊,不但经济实惠,还可以一直用到老,也算是给家里增添固定资产啊!
2. 千万不要去商场,在商家精心策划和准备下,很少能够有人可以抵挡琳琅满目的商品诱惑,人多地少,空气自然不会好,且不说把时间耗费在漫长的交款队伍中是多么无聊,就单凭在商场人流中挑选自己心仪的东西的艰难险阻,就可以领略到沙丁鱼般的拥挤!
3. 千万不要去超市,别以为过节折扣多,商家的手段是层出不穷的,总有办法诱导你去选择一些根本不需要的东西,自己还觉得占了很大的便宜.其实羊毛出在羊身上,俗话说得好,买的不如卖的精,对于天生对购物就有特殊感情的女性来说,直接不去考验自己的意志是省钱的不二法门!
4. 千万不要去娱乐场所,他们也早就为您准备了足够多的诱惑和新奇,如果您就是想好好玩,不计较成本,那么此条及以上数条对您都不实用,要是您认为不该花的不能花,那您还可以继续往下看!
5. 千万不要去看电影,什么迎节、无极之类的大片,商业炒做的痕迹太重,看了也许会失望,再说在假日去看大片,至少又得让口袋破一个大洞? 还是省下来好,在温馨浪漫的圣诞节咱不受这个刺激,关键是为了省钱嘛!
1. 千万不要为了所谓的浪漫,去光顾西餐店(包括咖啡屋等等),他们早就准备好了磨得噌亮的大刀,等待能够痛宰你一刀!要想享受烛光晚餐的惬意,可以买原材料在家里做嘛,要是非要有摇曳多姿的烛光,也可以去买一个漂亮的烛台啊,不但经济实惠,还可以一直用到老,也算是给家里增添固定资产啊!
2. 千万不要去商场,在商家精心策划和准备下,很少能够有人可以抵挡琳琅满目的商品诱惑,人多地少,空气自然不会好,且不说把时间耗费在漫长的交款队伍中是多么无聊,就单凭在商场人流中挑选自己心仪的东西的艰难险阻,就可以领略到沙丁鱼般的拥挤!
3. 千万不要去超市,别以为过节折扣多,商家的手段是层出不穷的,总有办法诱导你去选择一些根本不需要的东西,自己还觉得占了很大的便宜.其实羊毛出在羊身上,俗话说得好,买的不如卖的精,对于天生对购物就有特殊感情的女性来说,直接不去考验自己的意志是省钱的不二法门!
4. 千万不要去娱乐场所,他们也早就为您准备了足够多的诱惑和新奇,如果您就是想好好玩,不计较成本,那么此条及以上数条对您都不实用,要是您认为不该花的不能花,那您还可以继续往下看!
5. 千万不要去看电影,什么迎节、无极之类的大片,商业炒做的痕迹太重,看了也许会失望,再说在假日去看大片,至少又得让口袋破一个大洞? 还是省下来好,在温馨浪漫的圣诞节咱不受这个刺激,关键是为了省钱嘛!
Bags & Shoes
Fellow online serial shopper GH asked me today how many bags & shoes I owned. Hmm... tricky...
Put it this way, I'm a self-confessed shoe addict and bag whore. Call me shallow and materialistic, but one of my aims in life is to overtake Imelda Marcos and I see branded bags as a form of investment, the way some people view red wine as alternative investment.
My personal record: 4 pairs of shoes in 2+ hours (okie.. they were 5-10 GBP each so i'm not that bad really...). Highest expenditure on a bag: 600 GBP on my pink Chanel Reporter Cambon.
It seems that I'm not alone in my quest. A recent survey by UK research firm Mintel found that one in 10 UK women - 2.6 million women aged 16 and up - are aspiring Carrie Bradshaws. They currently own at least 30 pairs of shoes - one for every day of the month. Me...hmm...haven't taken stock of the no. of shoes I have in Singapore, but in London, I definitely can walk out of my room in a different shoe for a month if I wanted to.
GH says i outta get a job like Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada...totally agree... but having said that I'll rather be the legendary fashion editrix Miranda Priestly...minus the catyness of course!
Either that or I'll need to find myself a rich husband and lead a tai tai life...easier said then done though...think it's probably easier to work my way up n become Miranda...
Pointless and irrelevant post... Probably cuz of the spillover effect from the people I followed at Paragon today... keep a look out for My Paper either on Wed or Thurs if u wanna know what I did.... hee hee...
Put it this way, I'm a self-confessed shoe addict and bag whore. Call me shallow and materialistic, but one of my aims in life is to overtake Imelda Marcos and I see branded bags as a form of investment, the way some people view red wine as alternative investment.
My personal record: 4 pairs of shoes in 2+ hours (okie.. they were 5-10 GBP each so i'm not that bad really...). Highest expenditure on a bag: 600 GBP on my pink Chanel Reporter Cambon.
It seems that I'm not alone in my quest. A recent survey by UK research firm Mintel found that one in 10 UK women - 2.6 million women aged 16 and up - are aspiring Carrie Bradshaws. They currently own at least 30 pairs of shoes - one for every day of the month. Me...hmm...haven't taken stock of the no. of shoes I have in Singapore, but in London, I definitely can walk out of my room in a different shoe for a month if I wanted to.
GH says i outta get a job like Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada...totally agree... but having said that I'll rather be the legendary fashion editrix Miranda Priestly...minus the catyness of course!
Either that or I'll need to find myself a rich husband and lead a tai tai life...easier said then done though...think it's probably easier to work my way up n become Miranda...
Pointless and irrelevant post... Probably cuz of the spillover effect from the people I followed at Paragon today... keep a look out for My Paper either on Wed or Thurs if u wanna know what I did.... hee hee...
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