来到《我报》后,每逢星期五,一班同事一般会在截稿后结伴出去relax relax一下。今晚我们选择一起去看世界杯的开场赛。
其实我们8个人当中,除了David和他的朋友外,其他人都不是真正去看球的。我们只是想去看热闹,感染气氛,当然也不忘把我们在第一份《我报》中写的World Cup Dummy's Guide put to the test!
关心和爱我们的人,尤其是长辈们,对于我们的人生,往往只能从一旁冷眼旁观,爱莫能助。我们成功,他们与我们同欢喜。我们烦恼,他们也为之心烦。我们犯stupid mistakes,他们自责没有好好引导。
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
老实说,今天到她的家去,确实有些战战兢兢的。一方面是之前所闻,另一方则是因为今天下午的corporate lunch我误了时,迟到了5分钟。真的有些害怕会给她吃了呢。
不管别人怎么看她说她,只要自己坐得挺,站得直,对自己满意,散发出来的自信足以让自己的actions speak for itself,堵住那些“醋罐子”的嘴巴,同时也令其他人另眼相看,甚至多看几眼。
老实说,今天到她的家去,确实有些战战兢兢的。一方面是之前所闻,另一方则是因为今天下午的corporate lunch我误了时,迟到了5分钟。真的有些害怕会给她吃了呢。
不管别人怎么看她说她,只要自己坐得挺,站得直,对自己满意,散发出来的自信足以让自己的actions speak for itself,堵住那些“醋罐子”的嘴巴,同时也令其他人另眼相看,甚至多看几眼。
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Why I love London Part 1
Everytime I feel down or tired, I tend to seek refuge in things that I like or enjoy. Never fails to perk up my spirits.
The first "comfort pillow" that my mind always grab hold of is London, my most favourite city on this earth. I think about it all the time, about day in day out, day and night, rain or shine, & so do many others that I know(right Wedgie? ;p ).... it'll always have a special place in my heart.
Aniwaez, that's enough of digression, back to this blog... was having dinner awhile ago and surfing my favourite online shopping sites and fashion guides at the same time when I saw this beautiful jacket on Catwalk Queen.
The first thought that hit me was "darn, if only I was in London...".
Not that I'm not able to get it in Singapire but I don't have much of a use for it here. Unlike in London where I wear my coat/jackets everywhere I go (even indoors!), I only get to use them in the office or at the cinemas. Doesn't make sense for me to own one more when I already have a whole cabinet full of my collection from London.
I'm not very slim by nature so it's comforting to have a jacket to cover up all the unsightly bits. Besides, jackets chosen right will make one look slimmer!
Although you might argue that the pound is just too much handle but you can't deny that London is a shopping heaven. Jackets in all sorts of colours/designs/materials aplenty everywhere you go. This is definitely one reason why I have this neverending love affair with London.
Shopping + London, my 2 favourite things. I heart London! (Not sure when part 2 will come... but probably some time soon... stay tuned!)
I'm definitely much much happier now :)
Righty, gotta finish up my article for Saturday! Ta~
Need some daily fashion advice? Check this out:

It's written by this amazing lady named Gemma Cartwright and she's from the UK too, which makes it all the better! Hee...
The first "comfort pillow" that my mind always grab hold of is London, my most favourite city on this earth. I think about it all the time, about day in day out, day and night, rain or shine, & so do many others that I know(right Wedgie? ;p ).... it'll always have a special place in my heart.
Aniwaez, that's enough of digression, back to this blog... was having dinner awhile ago and surfing my favourite online shopping sites and fashion guides at the same time when I saw this beautiful jacket on Catwalk Queen.
The first thought that hit me was "darn, if only I was in London...".
Not that I'm not able to get it in Singapire but I don't have much of a use for it here. Unlike in London where I wear my coat/jackets everywhere I go (even indoors!), I only get to use them in the office or at the cinemas. Doesn't make sense for me to own one more when I already have a whole cabinet full of my collection from London.
I'm not very slim by nature so it's comforting to have a jacket to cover up all the unsightly bits. Besides, jackets chosen right will make one look slimmer!
Although you might argue that the pound is just too much handle but you can't deny that London is a shopping heaven. Jackets in all sorts of colours/designs/materials aplenty everywhere you go. This is definitely one reason why I have this neverending love affair with London.
Shopping + London, my 2 favourite things. I heart London! (Not sure when part 2 will come... but probably some time soon... stay tuned!)
I'm definitely much much happier now :)
Righty, gotta finish up my article for Saturday! Ta~
Need some daily fashion advice? Check this out:

It's written by this amazing lady named Gemma Cartwright and she's from the UK too, which makes it all the better! Hee...
Secondhand Branded Bags Shop
Had quite a number of calls to find out the location of the secondhand branded bag shop that I wrote about in my "invest in secondhand branded bags" article in the first issue of mypaper.
So here are the details if there are still people who are interested to find out:
Interesting Shop
Icon@Bugis Point #04-01P, opposite Bugis Junction Bread Talk, 530 North Bridge Road
So here are the details if there are still people who are interested to find out:
Interesting Shop
Icon@Bugis Point #04-01P, opposite Bugis Junction Bread Talk, 530 North Bridge Road
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
不是因为我不高兴。 5月31日前我迫不及待,6月1日《我报》终于面世了我确实很开心,因为与大伙儿多个星期的努力有了成果,可喜可贺。可是,那份快感也很快消失了。
不是因为我不高兴。 5月31日前我迫不及待,6月1日《我报》终于面世了我确实很开心,因为与大伙儿多个星期的努力有了成果,可喜可贺。可是,那份快感也很快消失了。
Monday, June 05, 2006
Feeling conscious
Just got back from an interview with a cosmetic dentist. To tell the truth, I wasn't looking forward to the interview at the beginning, not that I hated going to the dentist like most people do, but I was afraid that he would see through my lips and my teeth and criticise that it's blacker than tar or has gaps bigger than the black hole.
(I didn't have a very good brace job when I was in sec school and I'm not very consistent in wearing my retainers, so i've got small gaps and ugly braces stains on my teeth. Would really like to do laser whitening one day but it costs a bomb... perhaps if I get a promotion or a huge bonus from SPH *hint* hee hee....)
Fortunately the dentist was an angel (and so was his patient!), even though he did point out my inperfections, he was very reassuring as well to say that it's only natural and that it can be rectified if I wanted to, if not it's perfectly fine.
Really excited with the information I've gotten from him and can't wait to file my story. Hopefully I'll get to be his patient one day too... I want that trillion watts smile!!!!
Can't release any details of the story here for obvious reasons, but hopefully all of you will get to read it soon.
Till then... back to work for this Friday's article.....
(I didn't have a very good brace job when I was in sec school and I'm not very consistent in wearing my retainers, so i've got small gaps and ugly braces stains on my teeth. Would really like to do laser whitening one day but it costs a bomb... perhaps if I get a promotion or a huge bonus from SPH *hint* hee hee....)
Fortunately the dentist was an angel (and so was his patient!), even though he did point out my inperfections, he was very reassuring as well to say that it's only natural and that it can be rectified if I wanted to, if not it's perfectly fine.
Really excited with the information I've gotten from him and can't wait to file my story. Hopefully I'll get to be his patient one day too... I want that trillion watts smile!!!!
Can't release any details of the story here for obvious reasons, but hopefully all of you will get to read it soon.
Till then... back to work for this Friday's article.....
Sunday, June 04, 2006
寂寞@Orchard Road
Walked down Orchard Road with a close friend today. It's a Sunday and with the GSS going on, it's no surprise that the whole stretch was overflowing with people.
While walking, my friend turned around suddenly and commented that if she was walking down the similarly crowded, if not, more crowded Oxford Street in London, she would feel at ease but if she was alone today, she would have felt out of place.
What she said struck a chord in my heart.
Before I met up with her today, I trawled down the same stretch of Orchard Road on my own and that familiar yet distant feeling of loneliness that I felt years ago has somehow found it's way into my life again and silently crept back into my heart. At that moment, how I wished she would turn up right away or I thought I would be engulfed by the crowd that was rushing by me in both directions.
When I was in secondary school and JC, I absolutely hated shopping on my own or going to crowded places by self. I guess I hated the feeling of being alone among couples, families or groups of friends. But while living in London for the past 4 years, I've learnt to appreciate doing things on my own, especially shopping as I could shop at my own pace and go to the shops I wanted as and when I liked to.
Over the last 4 years, I can honestly say I never once felt lonely going about on my own even though I'm miles away from family and friends. In fact I value those moments of solitude very much and crave for time out on my own now.
But why the feeling of loneliness again today?
I miss London.
While walking, my friend turned around suddenly and commented that if she was walking down the similarly crowded, if not, more crowded Oxford Street in London, she would feel at ease but if she was alone today, she would have felt out of place.
What she said struck a chord in my heart.
Before I met up with her today, I trawled down the same stretch of Orchard Road on my own and that familiar yet distant feeling of loneliness that I felt years ago has somehow found it's way into my life again and silently crept back into my heart. At that moment, how I wished she would turn up right away or I thought I would be engulfed by the crowd that was rushing by me in both directions.
When I was in secondary school and JC, I absolutely hated shopping on my own or going to crowded places by self. I guess I hated the feeling of being alone among couples, families or groups of friends. But while living in London for the past 4 years, I've learnt to appreciate doing things on my own, especially shopping as I could shop at my own pace and go to the shops I wanted as and when I liked to.
Over the last 4 years, I can honestly say I never once felt lonely going about on my own even though I'm miles away from family and friends. In fact I value those moments of solitude very much and crave for time out on my own now.
But why the feeling of loneliness again today?
I miss London.
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