Was away most of the week on course at INSEAD and staking out TTSH... grandma was taken ill ....
But it wasn't all that bad... relatives who migrated flew back in from Australia & UK... rare get together so I managed to get to see cousins I knew was in existence but have never seen before... (my mum has 12 other siblings...cool rite?)

My Business Journalism coursemates

Dodge Viper @ Dodge Caliber launch

Me, Godma (Aunt Vicky) & Aunt Shireen @ TTSH (bad selfshot :p)

Me & Godma @ Newton Circus hawker centre

Me & Grandpa whoz 84 this year... fellow doggie :)

Cute cousin Cassidy & his mum (Aunt Susan) & dad (Uncle Sam). First time I got to see him!

Cassidy again! Only 21 months but don't underestimate him....he's real smart & a big eater! Look at his bib!!!

Cassidy in action
Sorry would have liked to write more but i'm not really in the mood to talk very much lately....Can't wait for Thurs, going with my best fren to Taiwan for a couple of days... I need some time out....
1 comment:
Excellent blog and thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts here. I am putting together a collection of photos and information on Dodge and so far I managed to cover some of the models, and you will find some cool Dodge Avanger photos, Dodge Caravan photos and high resolution Dodge Caliber photos. I hope you’ll find the website to be interesting, in case you want to pay it a visit.
Enjoy your day!
Michael R.
Webmaster, All car photos
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