~*my fairy tale*~

Friday, January 05, 2007

My first gym workout!

From today onwards, I'm a gym virgin no more!

Finally got my lazy ass to SPH's gym on the 7th floor this morning. Didn't have anything urgent to clear for today so I decided I could afford some me time before work. Besides I really ballooned quite a bit from my China & Bangkok holiday.... just had a scan through my bangkok photos... bleargh...

Fortunately there wasn't anyone at the gym so I could play around with the machines. Never used any gym equipment b4 cuz I always zao PE lessons in JC and thot that my daily walk to sch when I was at uni was more than sufficient exercise...

Managed to run 3.5km on the treadmill and did 50 crunches. Didn't take too long... about 35 minutes in total. Running on a treadmill is so much ezier than doing rounds in the park. Think I lasted longer and didn't feel as tired. Pretty good to listen to my ipod & think about stuff while jogging too.

Just that it was a little disappointing to find that after all that running I only burnt off 250 calories.... will be more careful with the rubbish I stuff into my mouth in future.

Hopefully I can keep up this routine at least twice a week. Aiming for 5km next! Kiez no more skiving at work so that I can have more me time in future... toodles...


Anonymous said...

wow gold

Anonymous said...

You write very well.