但还是很清楚地记得一年前的现在,在Bloomberg实习的我正在打电话联络分析师谈伦敦连环大爆炸对英镑和gilts (UK bonds)的影响会有多大,他们或同事有没有困在tube里或死伤,下班后打算怎么回家。
接下来几天也都是步行45分钟旅程上下班、上学、上超级市场、上教堂。后来觉得逃避公共交通工具不是办法,何况我又附了整个月的bus pass。
打的是心理战术,没有遭遇暴风大雨,娇生惯养的新加坡人,相信即使有再多的演习还是会不堪一击。当坏人入侵我们这个comfort zone时,丑恶、自私、怕输的心态肯定必露无疑。最担心的是,伦敦事件发生后巴士上的情况会在新加坡发生,什么multiculturalism的课都会抛出窗外。
我个人认为,问题就出在新加坡人对自己所属的社会缺乏ownership。Social ownership不是周末看到有人在路边筹款,或是电视上播放慈善演出,捐点钱就算是为社会作出贡献。Social ownership需要将心比心,是对社会对周遭的人和事物产生感情所培养出来的归属感。许多新加坡人只知道为求生而奔波,连自己住家或办公室里的邻居是谁都不知道。
Friday, July 07, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Prepare for a long long long rant if u wanna read this:
The past week has been pretty rough... starting with the England match....had a group of Portugal fans who were standing behind my chair kicking & shaking my chair till I almost fell off....felt even worse when England lost... After which, an inconsiderate taxi driver chased my fren and I off our called-cab bcuz he wasn't willing to drop my fren off on the way to my place or he'll not make it home in time for the Brazil-France match. Chasing 2 gals off the cab after driving a distance at 2.30am in the morning is just totally unacceptable!
Following day, not sure what I ate for breakfast or lunch on Sunday morning but I had such a bad stomach upset that I couldn't enjoy my weekly dinner with my family.
The start of the week kicked off pretty well as I was able to clear quite a bit of work and then what seemed like it's gonna be a good week started turning sour.
Went for a test drive on Monday & somehow due to my carelessness & ditzyness, I managed to misplace my driving licence somehow... and then yesterday I got ticked off and chased away by someone that I once respected. I was merely trying to play fair with regards to the situation mind u if u or ur counterparts are reading this. I could have gone ahead with the article without consulting you at all if I was what you deemed me as.
Finally today. Woke up feeling a bit queasy... thought i'll be fine later on as I started real early today trying hard to clear work before I leave for my holiday next week. Thought i'll get better after lunch but I just sank deeper and started to see lights flashing and my head spinning round in circles.
Went upstairs to see the doctor and she asked if I watched soccer & didn't have enough sleep. When I left the clinic and bumped into my 2 ex-bosses, they too asked the same thing!!!! To set the record straight......I didn't stay up to watch soccer!!! Decided that there's no point in watching it anymore since my fav England is out and now that matches are played at an unearthly hour of 3am Singapore time. I value my sleep more....
Okiez think I've gotten everything out of my system... time to get back to finish up my immediate work and go home for some rest. Tomorrow is gonna be a better day. Fingers x.
The past week has been pretty rough... starting with the England match....had a group of Portugal fans who were standing behind my chair kicking & shaking my chair till I almost fell off....felt even worse when England lost... After which, an inconsiderate taxi driver chased my fren and I off our called-cab bcuz he wasn't willing to drop my fren off on the way to my place or he'll not make it home in time for the Brazil-France match. Chasing 2 gals off the cab after driving a distance at 2.30am in the morning is just totally unacceptable!
Following day, not sure what I ate for breakfast or lunch on Sunday morning but I had such a bad stomach upset that I couldn't enjoy my weekly dinner with my family.
The start of the week kicked off pretty well as I was able to clear quite a bit of work and then what seemed like it's gonna be a good week started turning sour.
Went for a test drive on Monday & somehow due to my carelessness & ditzyness, I managed to misplace my driving licence somehow... and then yesterday I got ticked off and chased away by someone that I once respected. I was merely trying to play fair with regards to the situation mind u if u or ur counterparts are reading this. I could have gone ahead with the article without consulting you at all if I was what you deemed me as.
Finally today. Woke up feeling a bit queasy... thought i'll be fine later on as I started real early today trying hard to clear work before I leave for my holiday next week. Thought i'll get better after lunch but I just sank deeper and started to see lights flashing and my head spinning round in circles.
Went upstairs to see the doctor and she asked if I watched soccer & didn't have enough sleep. When I left the clinic and bumped into my 2 ex-bosses, they too asked the same thing!!!! To set the record straight......I didn't stay up to watch soccer!!! Decided that there's no point in watching it anymore since my fav England is out and now that matches are played at an unearthly hour of 3am Singapore time. I value my sleep more....
Okiez think I've gotten everything out of my system... time to get back to finish up my immediate work and go home for some rest. Tomorrow is gonna be a better day. Fingers x.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
+659750xxxx: 致《我报》记者李韵琳:你说每当政府或任何机构政策或措施时,很多人都会Complain,只是all talk no action?想请问你,国民能take什么action?有那些大团或机构体可以为人民讨个公道的?还有,你说如真的要抗议德士车资起价,那就下定决心该搭巴士或地铁。再请问你,如果巴士与地铁再起价呢?那国民是不是要改骑脚车或途步来表示抗议?《圆圆》
+659750xxxx: 致《我报》记者李韵琳:你说每当政府或任何机构政策或措施时,很多人都会Complain,只是all talk no action?想请问你,国民能take什么action?有那些大团或机构体可以为人民讨个公道的?还有,你说如真的要抗议德士车资起价,那就下定决心该搭巴士或地铁。再请问你,如果巴士与地铁再起价呢?那国民是不是要改骑脚车或途步来表示抗议?《圆圆》
Hopeless with Birthdays...
Sighz...I'm totally hopeless with Birthdays. It's the second time in a month that a fren has to sms/call me to remind me that it's another fren's birthday. Unlike what some people think, I believe Birthdays are special and should be celebrated with a big bang and I'll be really upset if ppl forget my bdae but I'm just totally hopeless when it comes to remembering dates. An ex-boyfriend used to get really angry with me for forgetting our anniversary but it's really not intentional.
Ok, I must admit, sometimes my work does take over my life and that I do not have a very good memory in general (Ppl i've met, pls don't kill me or get offended if I were to walk pass without saying hi... I genuinely can't remember!!!!). Besides my immediate family's birthdays and a few frens' (can count with 1 hand) ... the rest I really can't recall. I've tried writing them down before but after a while they end up everywhere, one book here, another there that I don't actually keep track.
Hmm... maybe I really should keep a notebook just for birthdays of close frens/colleagues/ family...i've tried the online birthday alarm in case u wanna suggest that to me but not many people subscribe to it so I gave up...
Enough of rambling....Happy Birthday Zwen! See you & the rest on Sunday!
Ok, I must admit, sometimes my work does take over my life and that I do not have a very good memory in general (Ppl i've met, pls don't kill me or get offended if I were to walk pass without saying hi... I genuinely can't remember!!!!). Besides my immediate family's birthdays and a few frens' (can count with 1 hand) ... the rest I really can't recall. I've tried writing them down before but after a while they end up everywhere, one book here, another there that I don't actually keep track.
Hmm... maybe I really should keep a notebook just for birthdays of close frens/colleagues/ family...i've tried the online birthday alarm in case u wanna suggest that to me but not many people subscribe to it so I gave up...
Enough of rambling....Happy Birthday Zwen! See you & the rest on Sunday!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
How much is too much?

I'm usually not a fan of flats (... love 3 inch heels to bits....) but aren't they pretty? But the above Pedro Garcia Isaura Ballet Flat with Crystal Chain comes with a price tag of US$426.00.
When buying stuff that you like how much is too much really? Does quality & style come first or your psychological price barrier?
Probably the latter for me.....
在本地,每当政府或任何机构改变政策或措施,开始的时候都会有很多人会complain。可是,到头来都只是all talk no action。过了几个星期,即使是当初最强力反对的人也会开始resign to their fate,默默忍受,渐渐学习去习惯,然后变得理所当然。
人们总是希望能在新加坡看到改变和进步,可是这是需要有推动力和实际行动的,三言两语是不足以move a mountain,即使move a sandhill也寸步难移。
在本地,每当政府或任何机构改变政策或措施,开始的时候都会有很多人会complain。可是,到头来都只是all talk no action。过了几个星期,即使是当初最强力反对的人也会开始resign to their fate,默默忍受,渐渐学习去习惯,然后变得理所当然。
人们总是希望能在新加坡看到改变和进步,可是这是需要有推动力和实际行动的,三言两语是不足以move a mountain,即使move a sandhill也寸步难移。
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