The first "comfort pillow" that my mind always grab hold of is London, my most favourite city on this earth. I think about it all the time, about day in day out, day and night, rain or shine, & so do many others that I know(right Wedgie? ;p ).... it'll always have a special place in my heart.
Aniwaez, that's enough of digression, back to this blog... was having dinner awhile ago and surfing my favourite online shopping sites and fashion guides at the same time when I saw this beautiful jacket on Catwalk Queen.
The first thought that hit me was "darn, if only I was in London...".
Not that I'm not able to get it in Singapire but I don't have much of a use for it here. Unlike in London where I wear my coat/jackets everywhere I go (even indoors!), I only get to use them in the office or at the cinemas. Doesn't make sense for me to own one more when I already have a whole cabinet full of my collection from London.
I'm not very slim by nature so it's comforting to have a jacket to cover up all the unsightly bits. Besides, jackets chosen right will make one look slimmer!
Although you might argue that the pound is just too much handle but you can't deny that London is a shopping heaven. Jackets in all sorts of colours/designs/materials aplenty everywhere you go. This is definitely one reason why I have this neverending love affair with London.
Shopping + London, my 2 favourite things. I heart London! (Not sure when part 2 will come... but probably some time soon... stay tuned!)
I'm definitely much much happier now :)
Righty, gotta finish up my article for Saturday! Ta~
Need some daily fashion advice? Check this out:

It's written by this amazing lady named Gemma Cartwright and she's from the UK too, which makes it all the better! Hee...
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